Neo due-2 - NG - last chance

Joel Newkirk freerunner at
Tue Dec 9 23:41:03 CET 2008

On Tue, 9 Dec 2008 11:31:51 -0800 (PST), GreyCardinal <kvalen at>
> No more ideas?
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Openmoko Support mailing list archive at

While SSH'd into the blank FR, take a look in /sys/class/backlight/ and see
what brightness is set to, and try to echo a different value to it.  If it
shows brightness already set to 100 or something and your display is
unlighted I'd say it's likely your backlight is done, talk to OM or
distributor about warranty.  If you have no backlight when you boot up to
NOR bootrom I'd say it's pretty certain already, but if you can SSH in and
poke at the settings you can more readily assure yourself of that.

Sorry I don't have more or better to offer, but I honestly think you're hit
with a backlight failure at the hardware level.


Joel Newkirk      (blog) (FR stuff)

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