FSO & Android (was: Sad Story)

Wolfgang Spraul wolfgang at openmoko.com
Tue Dec 16 07:48:33 CET 2008


> create a working phone.  Passing the buck to FSO is passing the torch
> to someone else.  This is what OM has done.

We are funding FSO. This is called teamwork :-)
FSO concentrates on the framework, and standardizing interfaces for  
mobile phones. FSO = freesmartphone.org
Openmoko concentrates engineering on the lower level (kernel &  
drivers), as well as on the top-most level (UI design).
All of this is made possible by our community buying our phones and  
helping with development everywhere.

> I'm sure the majority of hardware owners are awaiting Google Android.

The cool thing about Free Software is it's configurability and  
Try to build a product with half of Android. Won't work. Half of  
Debian, let alone any image generated with OpenEmbedded? No problem.

Best Regards,

On Dec 16, 2008, at 3:47 AM, Paul wrote:

> Seeing the responses to criticism, it is clear why OpenMoko is where
> it is today.  If a significant portion of the community is frustrated
> at the status of this project, the best course of action is to address
> the concerns of the community.  Does telling people to buy an iphone
> accomplish anything but lower your social standing on this list?
> The main reason of why Open Source works is because people are able to
> criticize.  When the criticisms are taken into account, real progress
> can be had.
> We as a community were warned of the alpha status of the phone.  What
> we expected was that the community and company would work hand in hand
> to create a viable phone solution.  Yet, it is clear that the resolve
> of the Company is waning and the rest of the community is left holding
> the bag.  Now we have people blaming us because we are holding the
> bag.
> Just because a project is Open Source, doesn't guarantee its success.
> We have a lot of people working hard to resolve issues, yet we haven't
> achieved our goal.  We need to refocus our goals and objectives to
> create a working phone.  Passing the buck to FSO is passing the torch
> to someone else.  This is what OM has done.
> I'm sure the majority of hardware owners are awaiting Google Android.
> -- 
> Paul
> Email - paultsai at gmail.com
> There were moments when he looked on evil simply as a mode through
> which he could realize his conception of the beautiful.
> Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
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