SHR - Keyboard

clare johnstone claregj at
Thu Dec 18 13:51:27 CET 2008

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Paul <paultsai at> wrote:
> Is there a way to make the keyboard pop up on demand, say for the terminal?

Or did you just mean: press the tiny little mark at centre top of the screen.
A curtain 1/3 the size of the screen will wander down. At its top right corner
is the word "qwerty". if you press that a keyboard will appear.
Later you can repeat to make the keyboard disappear.
The keyboard has a sign in some oriental language at its top right
which causes changes in it. Basically 3 possibles, of which the third
can be quite useful if you can get it to respond.
 It has the habit of enlarging its characters
when they are pressed which may be helpful when trying to use fingers
to type on it but slows it.
It also at times develops a habit known as predictive.
I have actually been shown how this can be made to work on a mobile
phone where it may have some value.
Compared with ordinary "tab completion" in linux commands it is not
even a starter, and again is a distraction..

clare (who really likes the matchbox keyboard - remember that?. It is
used in the new "hackable";
and with apologies to Rasterman; but I do feel strongly on these points.)

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