Missing date/time on received SMS since update to OM 2008.12
Erik Geiger
Erik.geiger at gmx.net
Thu Dec 25 21:25:26 CET 2008
Now I figured out that the date/time information is still present in the raw
file (in /home/root/Applications/qtmail/mail). Also I saw that the date has
been translated into german (I didn't notice this, 'cause I'm German).
I think there ist the translation missing/wrong, 'cause I've changed the
wordlist in opt/Qtopia/etc/dict/de_DE/words.dawg and also the Language
in /opt/Qtopia/etc/default/Trolltech/locale.conf (de_DE).
If I return to old settings, the date/time information is present again (on
new SMS). So is there a chance to have german wordlist for predictive
keyboards _and_ date/time Information on received SMS (German or English
doesn't matter)?
> Hi,
> yesterday I updated my Freerunner (and may be changed some settings 'cause
> I searched for the extended settings-menu provided by illume). Now when I
> receice a SMS there is no date/time information any more (field date: is
> empty).
> On emails the information is still present. Any ideas?
> An other question: Where can I do extended Settings like blanktime supspend
> time (not only 30 60 seconds)? Are there some config-files? May there also
> be some text config files?
> Thanks
> Erik
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