NetworkManager in Intrepid breaks my FreeRunner's Internet connection

Jeffrey Ratcliffe jeffrey.ratcliffe at
Mon Oct 13 07:14:33 CEST 2008

2008/10/13 digger vermont <dv_mlist at>:
> Recently something changed with NetworkManager in Intrepid, don't know
> what.  With the "auto usb0" line in the interfaces file NM decided that

They started using the 0.7 version of NetworkManager, which isn't
quite finished.

> it to make it the default route when I plugged it in.  I could see the
> nm-applet going around and then a notification that I was connected to
> the Freerunner.  Looking at connections with nm-applet there were tabs
> for both the wireless and usb0 with usb0 marked as default. I kinda
> remember an Ubuntu bug-report concerning the default route in NM.

There are plenty of those. I can post them if anyone is interested.

> Any way my solution was to comment out "auto usb0" and manually use
> "ifup usb0" (actually "sudo ifdown usb0 && sudo ifup usb0" is what I
> use).

Are you saying that you type "sudo ifdown usb0 && sudo ifup usb0"
every time you plug in your FR?

I'm beginning to conclude that I will have to remove NM and set up
everything manually.



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