OM2008.12 audio problems during call

Yaroslav Halchenko at
Tue Feb 3 20:13:25 CET 2009

ok -- here is a full pipeline of 2 commands to 1 -- figure it out, 2 --

> opkg search /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios/gsmheadset.state 
openmoko-alsa-scenarios - 1.0+svnr4732-r1 - /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios/gsmheadset.state
> opkg install -force-reinstall openmoko-alsa-scenarios

On Tue, 03 Feb 2009, casaubon wrote:

> just restore those .state files from whatever package they come from
> (don't recall) -- I git the same issue with that mixer -- better never
> click 'save' on the first tab ;)

> Thank you, Mr. Halchenko. I think this is what has happened.

> Just to be sure, the .state files I need to replace are:
> gsmhandset.state
> gsmheadset.state
> gsmspeakerout.state
> correct? Does anyone know where I can find the original 2008.12 versions of
> these?
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