MIC volume

Erland Lewin erland at lewin.nu
Sat Feb 7 23:15:30 CET 2009

2009/2/7 Vladimir Berezenko <qmaster at rambler.ru>

> My Neo's mic seems not having normal gain. I
> don't hear myself when calling my another phone. Tweaking the state files
> just
> gives the white noise when setting all to 100% and a very low and distorted
> sound of the voice in background. I am using 2008.12 now. The same was in
> 2008.9. What can I do to fix this?

I had this problem too. Someone from OpenMoko said that there was a mismatch
between the volumes from the GSM chip and the audio chip, but it shouldn't
be very big.

Hackable:1 and FSO M5 distributions work better, try them. Or maybe it's
something with the latest kernels.

Now my main problem is that the earphone volume is low, so I can't hear the
other party if I'm in a slightly noisy environment.

I've been thinking that getting a bluetooth headset to work would be a good
workaround for the gain problems, but I think all OpenMoko distros use an
older version of bluez (versions 3.x) rather than the latest 4.x, which I
think may have useful fixes for the headset profile.

Good luck Vladimir.

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