[SHR unstable] Bluetooth pairing with BMW Pro Radio car handsfree fails

Thomas Franck thomas.franck at gmx.com
Wed Jun 10 23:12:47 CEST 2009

Hi.. :)

I've updated to the recent version of SHR unstable (opkg update/upgrade
yesterday) and tried to pair with my car today.. (BMW Pro Radio)

I "followed" the instructions from the Wiki [1] (not much to follow for
SHR, it seems) and I got the MAC from the car.. used the simple-agent to
pair.. my car asked me to enter a PIN for pairing.. then the FR asked me
for it.. and once I entered that it's happy.. (trying a second time
quits with message that there's already a bond with that device)

However.. my car kept trying to pair with the FR (display said something
like "Pairing in progress.." with the only option to abort.. :(

Needless to say, pairing with my Nokia 6500C works like a charm.. :(

The Wiki [1] says that I should log with "hcidump -l 4096 -w bt.dump"
but that command is not available on my FR...

Anyone any idea? Help is very appreciated - I wanna swap the Nokia for



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