First good experiences, except for the microphone

hartrumpf at hartrumpf at
Sun Sep 27 11:21:22 CEST 2009

Hi all.

I bought a Neo Freerunner some days ago, installed
the latest SHR without any real problems
(after flashing, I had to boot twice instead of one boot;
that was ok for me).
The Freerunner is much more usable than I expected;
thanks to the community!

Currently, I know only one annoyance:
the microphone does not work well (hardware or software, I have no idea).
On the receiver side, there is some noise (up to 20 or 30% of the voice signal,
I would guess)
that makes it hard to understand the person with the Freerunner.
(The other direction is fine, i.e. good audio output
on the Freerunner side.)
Any known solutions, yet?


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