no wifi on freerunner fso

Joachim Ott jo.omsl at
Mon Sep 28 19:14:36 CEST 2009

2009/9/28 edgezorz <edge.fang at>:
> the search for ar6000 returned nothing, i'm not sure if its supposed to be a
> module in the fso release or not though, i checked the modules directory and
> there were modules for other stuff. Perhaps i should put shr on my
> freerunner to check

I have it here:

$ find /lib/modules -name ar6000.ko

One last try to check if it is built into the kernel:

$ strings -a /dev/mtd3 | grep AR6000

(or wherever your kernel is, when your system is on SD-card)

This should show about 10 lines. If not, maybe someone has forgotten
to include the driver.

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