r440 - trunk/www.openmoko.com/htdocs
will at daksha.openmoko.org
will at daksha.openmoko.org
Sat Feb 14 12:38:22 CET 2009
Author: will
Date: 2009-02-14 11:38:21 +0000 (Sat, 14 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 440
press updates
Modified: trunk/www.openmoko.com/htdocs/press-media-coverage.html
--- trunk/www.openmoko.com/htdocs/press-media-coverage.html 2009-02-13 06:35:07 UTC (rev 439)
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- <h2 class="title">Media Coverage</h2>
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/04/technology/04open.html?ref=technology">Applications Spur Carriers to Relax Grip on Cellphones</a></h3>
- <p class="date">New York Times Aug.4.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.informationweek.com/blog/main/archives/2008/07/when_is_a_phone.html">When Is A Phone Not A Phone?</a></h3>
- <p class="date">InformationWeek Jul.15.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/10/technology/personaltech/10phone.html?_r=1&oref=slogin">An Open-Source Cellphone (Tinkerers, Have a Ball)</a></h3>
- <p class="date">New York Times Jul.10.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/drive_to_discover&id=6248649">New phones offer ultimate customization</a></h3>
- <p class="date">ABC News Jul.07.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2008/07/04/openmoko-opensource.html">Openmoko open-source cell phone beats Android to the punch</a></h3>
- <p class="date">Boing Boing Jul.04.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://techgadgetupdate.com/2008/07/02/openmoko-neo-freerunner-to-launch-july-4th/">Openmoko Neo FreeRunner to Launch July 4th</a></h3>
- <p class="date">TechGadgetUpdate.com Jul.02.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2324502,00.asp">Report: Openmoko Open-Source Phone goes Live July 4th</a></h3>
- <p class="date">PCMag.com Jul.02.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/03/design-your-own.html">Design Your Own Cellphone With Openmoko</a></h3>
- <p class="date">Wired Mar.04.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.popularmechanics.com/blogs/technology_news/4253095.html">As Early Android Domino, Openmoko Brings Open Source to Industrial Design</a></h3>
- <p class="date">PopularMechanics Mar.04.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080304.WBcyberia20080304133308/WBStory/WBcyberia">Linux Goes Walkabout</a></h3>
- <p class="date">globeandmail.com Mar.04.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.informationweek.com/hardware/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=206901738">Openmoko Offers Phone Case CAD Files For 3-D Printing</a></h3>
- <p class="date">InformationWeek Mar.04.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://news.zdnet.co.uk/hardware/0,1000000091,39362121,00.htm">Openmoko Open-Sources Handset Hardware</a></h3>
- <p class="date">ZDNet Mar.04.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.core77.com/blog/business/design_your_own_mobile_phone_with_openmoko_9132.asp">Design Your Own Mobile Phone</a></h3>
- <p class="date">Core77 Mar.04.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="ttp://www.raiden.net/?cat=2&aid=374/">Interview with Michael Shiloh</a></h3>
- <p class="date">Raiden's Realm Feb.06.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.tech2.com/india/videos/tech-talk/check-out-the-new-open-source-cell-phone-the-openmoko/27371">Interview with Jon "maddog" Hall</a></h3>
- <p class="date">Tech2.com Jan.31.2008</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9531007">Hello World</a></h3>
- <p class="date">Economist July.20.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.slashgear.com/openmoko-upgrade-neo-hardware-developers-can-buy-from-july-9th-066104.php">Openmoko upgrade Neo hardware; developers can buy from July 9th</a></h3>
- <p class="date">SlashGear July.06.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070703.WBcyberia20070703161759/WBStory/WBcyberia/">The Next Big Thing?</a></h3>
- <p class="date">The Toronto Globe and Mail July.03.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2152759,00.asp">An iPhone Alternative for Developers?</a></h3>
- <p class="date">eWeek.com June.29.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.itweek.co.uk/vnunet/news/2192036/first-open-source-mobile-phone">Openmoko Preps First Open Source Mobile</a></h3>
- <p class="date">IT Week June.14.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.engadget.com/2007/03/03/openmoko-details-pricing-availability-for-neo1973/ ">Openmoko details pricing, availability for Neo1973</a></h3>
- <p class="date">Engadget March.03.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/blog/2007/03/openmoko_1.html">ETel coverage: Openmoko</a></h3>
- <p class="date">O'Reilly March.02.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/smartphones/first-look-the-antiiphone-openmokos-neo1973-236841.php">First Look: the Anti-iPhone, Openmoko's Neo1973</a></h3>
- <p class="date">Gizmodo February.15.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/smartphones/openmoko-smartphone-did-they-have-a-time-machine-or-what-229243.php">Openmoko Smartphone: Did They Have a Time Machine, or What?</a></h3>
- <p class="date">Gizmodo January.17.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.libervis.com/article/forget_iphone_hail_openmoko_the_true_revolution">Forget iPhone, hail Openmoko, the true revolution</a></h3>
- <p class="date">Libervis.com January.16.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://popsci.typepad.com/ces2007/2007/01/opensource_stri.html">Open Source Strikes Again</a></h3>
- <p class="date">PopSci.com January.12.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://openmoko.com/Q&A:%20Building%20a%20new%20open-source%20phone%20platform">Q&A: Building a New Open-Source Phone Platform</a></h3>
- <p class="date">Network World January.9.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2080727,00.asp">Cell Phones Open Up</a></h3>
- <p class="date">PC Magazine January.9.2007</p>
- </div><!-- end .box -->
- <div class="box">
- <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=35590">A Truly Open Linux phone with GPS debuts</a></h3>
- <p class="date">The Inquirer November.7.2006</p>
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+ <h2 class="title">Media Coverage</h2>
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.engadgetmobile.com/photos/koolus-android-equipped-freerunner-hands-on/1276517/">Android-equipped FreeRunner Hands-On</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Engadgetmobile Jan.10.2009</p>
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+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/01/social-electronics-open-source-and-linux-smartphones.ars">Social Electronics, Open Source, and Linux Smartphones</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Arstechnica Jan.07.2009</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://arstechnica.com/hardware/news/2008/09/openmoko-ceo-embrace-fragmentation-diversity-is-a-strength.ars">Embrace Fragmentation, Diversity is a Strength</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Arstechnica Sep.18.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/04/technology/04open.html?ref=technology">Applications Spur Carriers to Relax Grip on Cellphones</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">New York Times Aug.4.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.informationweek.com/blog/main/archives/2008/07/when_is_a_phone.html">When Is A Phone Not A Phone?</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">InformationWeek Jul.15.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/10/technology/personaltech/10phone.html?_r=1&oref=slogin">An Open-Source Cellphone (Tinkerers, Have a Ball)</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">New York Times Jul.10.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/drive_to_discover&id=6248649">New phones offer ultimate customization</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">ABC News Jul.07.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2008/07/04/openmoko-opensource.html">Openmoko open-source cell phone beats Android to the punch</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Boing Boing Jul.04.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://techgadgetupdate.com/2008/07/02/openmoko-neo-freerunner-to-launch-july-4th/">Openmoko Neo FreeRunner to Launch July 4th</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">TechGadgetUpdate.com Jul.02.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2324502,00.asp">Report: Openmoko Open-Source Phone goes Live July 4th</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">PCMag.com Jul.02.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/03/design-your-own.html">Design Your Own Cellphone With Openmoko</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Wired Mar.04.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.popularmechanics.com/blogs/technology_news/4253095.html">As Early Android Domino, Openmoko Brings Open Source to Industrial Design</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">PopularMechanics Mar.04.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080304.WBcyberia20080304133308/WBStory/WBcyberia">Linux Goes Walkabout</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">globeandmail.com Mar.04.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.informationweek.com/hardware/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=206901738">Openmoko Offers Phone Case CAD Files For 3-D Printing</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">InformationWeek Mar.04.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://news.zdnet.co.uk/hardware/0,1000000091,39362121,00.htm">Openmoko Open-Sources Handset Hardware</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">ZDNet Mar.04.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.core77.com/blog/business/design_your_own_mobile_phone_with_openmoko_9132.asp">Design Your Own Mobile Phone</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Core77 Mar.04.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="ttp://www.raiden.net/?cat=2&aid=374/">Interview with Michael Shiloh</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Raiden's Realm Feb.06.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.tech2.com/india/videos/tech-talk/check-out-the-new-open-source-cell-phone-the-openmoko/27371">Interview with Jon "maddog" Hall</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Tech2.com Jan.31.2008</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9531007">Hello World</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Economist July.20.2007</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.slashgear.com/openmoko-upgrade-neo-hardware-developers-can-buy-from-july-9th-066104.php">Openmoko upgrade Neo hardware; developers can buy from July 9th</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">SlashGear July.06.2007</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070703.WBcyberia20070703161759/WBStory/WBcyberia/">The Next Big Thing?</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">The Toronto Globe and Mail July.03.2007</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2152759,00.asp">An iPhone Alternative for Developers?</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">eWeek.com June.29.2007</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.itweek.co.uk/vnunet/news/2192036/first-open-source-mobile-phone">Openmoko Preps First Open Source Mobile</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">IT Week June.14.2007</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.engadget.com/2007/03/03/openmoko-details-pricing-availability-for-neo1973/ ">Openmoko details pricing, availability for Neo1973</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Engadget March.03.2007</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/blog/2007/03/openmoko_1.html">ETel coverage: Openmoko</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">O'Reilly March.02.2007</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/smartphones/first-look-the-antiiphone-openmokos-neo1973-236841.php">First Look: the Anti-iPhone, Openmoko's Neo1973</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Gizmodo February.15.2007</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/smartphones/openmoko-smartphone-did-they-have-a-time-machine-or-what-229243.php">Openmoko Smartphone: Did They Have a Time Machine, or What?</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Gizmodo January.17.2007</p>
+ </div><!-- end .box -->
+ <div class="box">
+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.libervis.com/article/forget_iphone_hail_openmoko_the_true_revolution">Forget iPhone, hail Openmoko, the true revolution</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Libervis.com January.16.2007</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://popsci.typepad.com/ces2007/2007/01/opensource_stri.html">Open Source Strikes Again</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">PopSci.com January.12.2007</p>
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+ <p class="date">Network World January.9.2007</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2080727,00.asp">Cell Phones Open Up</a></h3>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=35590">A Truly Open Linux phone with GPS debuts</a></h3>
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- <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_8_6.html">Openmoko Declares Another Freedom: Publishes Schematics for Neo Phones</a></h3>
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- <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_7_21.html">Openmoko Signs Koolu to Distribute FreeRunner Open Source Mobile Phone</a></h3>
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- <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_7_2.html">Openmoko Declares Independence for the Mobile Phone</a></h3>
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- <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_3_4.html">Openmoko Unlocks Neo Mobile Phone Industrial Design</a></h3>
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- <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_1_2.html">Openmoko ExtendsMobile Phone to Power Next-Generation Dash GPS</a></h3>
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- <h3 class="title">Openmoko Goes Live</h3>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2009_1_23.html">Openmoko Mobile Phone Provides Versatility
+for CE and Embedded Developers</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Jan.23.2009</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2009_1_5.html">Openmoko to Demo Newest FreeRunner and Apps at Lunch at Piero's
+Press Event During CES 2009</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Jan.5.2009</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_12_2.html">Openmoko Expands Distribution Network Across Europe: Tuxbrain, Creator of FDOM, Added to Distribution Partners</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Dec.2.2008</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_12_1.html">Openmoko Adds Strategic Innovation Company, faberNovel, as
+Distributor for FreeRunner in the United States</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Dec.1.2008</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_9_15.html">Openmoko OpenLab Opens the Path for Open Learning</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Sep.15.2008</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_8_6.html">Openmoko Declares Another Freedom: Publishes Schematics for Neo Phones</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Aug.06.2008</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_7_21.html">Openmoko Signs Koolu to Distribute FreeRunner Open Source Mobile Phone</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Jul.21.2008</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_7_2.html">Openmoko Declares Independence for the Mobile Phone</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Jul.02.2008</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_6_25.html">Openmoko Signs Five Distributors for
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+ <p class="date">Jun.25.2008</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_3_4.html">Openmoko Unlocks Neo Mobile Phone Industrial Design</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Mar.04.2008</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_1_14.html">Openmoko Signs Deal With German Distributor Pulster</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Jan.14.2008</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_1_3.html">Openmoko Unveils Neo FreeRunner</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Jan.3.2008</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2008_1_2.html">Openmoko ExtendsMobile Phone to Power Next-Generation Dash GPS</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Jan.2.2008</p>
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+ <h3 class="title">Openmoko Goes Live</h3>
+ <p class="date">Jul.9.2007</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/2007_1_2.html">Openmoko Launched as Mobile Device Company</a></h3>
+ <p class="date">Jan.2.2007</p>
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+ <h3 class="title"><a href="press/OpenMoko_20061107.pdf">Openmoko Announces World's First Freed Phone</a></h3>
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