r5712 - in trunk/gta02-core: . docs/ecn

werner at docs.openmoko.org werner at docs.openmoko.org
Thu Nov 12 13:32:13 CET 2009

Author: werner
Date: 2009-11-12 13:32:12 +0100 (Thu, 12 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 5712

- pmu.sch: implemented swap of LDO2 and LDO4 (ECN0010)
- ECN0010: added software impact and commit entry
- ECN0001: fixed overlength line, clarified kernel change

Modified: trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0001.txt
--- trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0001.txt	2009-11-11 23:27:46 UTC (rev 5711)
+++ trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0001.txt	2009-11-12 12:32:12 UTC (rev 5712)
@@ -10,12 +10,13 @@
 - SD/MMC moved to CPU SDIO interface
 - WLAN moved to SPI0
 - Moved BT PIO_5 from LCDVF0/GPC5 to CAMDATA0/GPJ0
-- Move board-revision detection from VD5/GPC13 & VD12/GPD3 to EINT19/GPG11 & EINT20/GPG12
+- Move board-revision detection from VD5/GPC13 & VD12/GPD3 to EINT19/GPG11 &
+  EINT20/GPG12
 - Remove 3D_RST and 3D_INT nets
 - Move HDQ to nXBACK/GPB5
 To do:
-- software impact of LCM pixel change on kernel
+- software impact of LCM frame buffer change on kernel
 - software impact of LCM controller SPI change on kernel
 - software impact of SD/MMC change on Qi and kernel
 - software impact of WLAN move on kernel

Modified: trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0010.txt
--- trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0010.txt	2009-11-11 23:27:46 UTC (rev 5711)
+++ trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0010.txt	2009-11-12 12:32:12 UTC (rev 5712)
@@ -40,6 +40,13 @@
 would increase the load on IO_3V3, with potentially high peaks, and it
 would also limit the output voltage range to 3.05 V.
+Software impact:
+- Qi initializes LDO2ENA and LDO4ENA for different suspend behaviour,
+  so this has to be swapped
+- in the kernel, swap LDO2 and LDO4 in
+  arch/arm/mach-s3c2442/mach-gta02.c:gta02_pcf_pdata and
+  arch/arm/mach-s3c2442/mach-gta02.c:gta02_pmu_regulator_registered
 [1] http://www.wolfsonmicro.com/uploads/documents/en/WM8753.pdf
 [2] http://lists.openmoko.org/pipermail/gta02-core/2009-October/000744.html
 [3] http://lists.openmoko.org/pipermail/gta02-core/2009-October/000746.html
@@ -50,3 +57,4 @@
 Review: Werner Almesberger <werner at openmoko.org>, SVN5675
 Commit: SVN 5689, removed R4404
 Commit: SVN 5692, reopened and added power supply
+Commit: SVN 5712, swapped LDO2 and LDO4

Modified: trunk/gta02-core/pmu.sch
--- trunk/gta02-core/pmu.sch	2009-11-11 23:27:46 UTC (rev 5711)
+++ trunk/gta02-core/pmu.sch	2009-11-12 12:32:12 UTC (rev 5712)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-EESchema Schematic File Version 2  date Sat 07 Nov 2009 16:51:45 GMT
+EESchema Schematic File Version 2  date Thu Nov 12 09:19:36 2009
 EELAYER 24  0
@@ -13,699 +13,703 @@
 Comment3 ""
 Comment4 ""
-U 1 1 4AF5A587
-P 8100 1350
-F 0 "#FLG?" H 8100 1620 30  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "PWR_FLAG" H 8100 1580 30  0000 C CNN
-	1    8100 1350
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Connection ~ 8100 1550
+Connection ~ 14250 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	8100 1550 8100 1350
-Connection ~ 6650 1550
+	14250 6750 14250 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	6650 1550 6650 1150
+	6850 1550 6850 1750
+Connection ~ 10600 1550
 Wire Wire Line
-	11000 1750 11000 1300
+	10600 1550 10600 1750
 Wire Wire Line
-	9900 3500 7900 3500
+	11000 1550 9300 1550
 Wire Wire Line
-	9900 3500 9900 2600
+	7900 3250 7900 3500
+Connection ~ 7900 2100
 Wire Wire Line
-	9900 2600 9700 2600
+	8400 2600 8200 2600
 Wire Wire Line
-	10600 2450 10600 2150
+	7650 1550 8800 1550
 Wire Wire Line
-	10600 2350 11000 2350
+	9050 3050 9050 3250
+Connection ~ 9900 2000
 Wire Wire Line
-	11000 2350 11000 2150
-Connection ~ 10600 2350
-Connection ~ 11000 1550
+	9700 2150 9900 2150
+Connection ~ 7900 1550
 Wire Wire Line
-	9900 1550 9900 2150
+	7550 7600 4800 7600
 Wire Wire Line
-	14850 7950 11250 7950
+	4800 7600 4800 7650
 Wire Wire Line
-	15350 7950 15550 7950
-Connection ~ 14650 8750
+	4800 7650 4600 7650
+Connection ~ 13900 5250
 Wire Wire Line
-	14650 8850 14650 8550
+	14300 9300 14300 9100
 Wire Wire Line
-	14650 8750 14300 8750
+	14800 5600 13300 5600
 Wire Wire Line
-	14300 8750 14300 8550
+	13300 5600 13300 7650
 Wire Wire Line
-	14300 8150 14300 7950
-Connection ~ 14300 7950
+	13300 7650 10500 7650
 Wire Wire Line
-	14650 7950 14650 8150
-Connection ~ 14650 7950
+	13050 7350 13050 4450
 Wire Wire Line
-	15550 7850 15550 8050
-Connection ~ 15550 7950
+	13050 7350 10500 7350
 Wire Wire Line
-	7900 2750 7900 1550
+	15300 4450 15500 4450
 Wire Wire Line
-	7900 2100 8400 2100
+	15500 3200 15500 3400
 Wire Wire Line
-	8200 2500 8200 2600
-Connection ~ 9900 1550
+	14800 1000 11800 1000
+Connection ~ 15500 3300
+Connection ~ 11900 6850
 Wire Wire Line
-	9900 2000 9700 2000
+	12200 6950 12200 6850
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 7700 5000 7700
+	12200 6850 10500 6850
 Wire Wire Line
-	5000 7700 5000 7800
+	11800 9500 11250 9500
+Connection ~ 13750 9500
 Wire Wire Line
-	5000 7800 4600 7800
+	13750 9600 13750 9400
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 7500 4600 7500
+	13050 9500 12200 9500
+Connection ~ 15550 9100
 Wire Wire Line
-	14800 6550 13600 6550
+	15550 9000 15550 9200
 Wire Wire Line
-	13600 6550 13600 7750
+	14850 9100 12400 9100
 Wire Wire Line
-	13600 7750 10500 7750
+	10500 8150 12400 8150
 Wire Wire Line
-	14800 4450 13050 4450
-Connection ~ 15500 4450
+	15300 5600 15500 5600
 Wire Wire Line
-	15500 4550 15500 4350
+	13900 4650 13900 4450
 Wire Wire Line
-	14250 4450 14250 4650
+	13900 5800 13900 5600
 Wire Wire Line
-	12200 3300 12200 6050
+	15500 5500 15500 5700
 Wire Wire Line
-	12200 3300 14800 3300
+	15300 2150 15500 2150
 Wire Wire Line
-	15300 3300 15500 3300
+	15300 1000 15500 1000
 Wire Wire Line
-	12000 2150 12000 5550
+	6650 8150 6350 8150
 Wire Wire Line
-	12000 2150 14800 2150
+	6350 8150 6350 8050
+Connection ~ 7350 8150
 Wire Wire Line
-	11800 5150 11800 1000
-Connection ~ 15500 2150
+	1600 6450 1400 6450
 Wire Wire Line
-	15500 2250 15500 2050
-Connection ~ 10550 9500
+	1600 6450 1600 6700
 Wire Wire Line
-	10550 9400 10550 9600
+	1600 6700 7550 6700
+Connection ~ 14250 1800
+Connection ~ 3400 9600
 Wire Wire Line
-	10750 9500 10550 9500
+	9750 10500 9750 10700
 Wire Wire Line
-	11800 9700 11800 8550
+	9750 10700 9150 10700
 Wire Wire Line
-	11800 8550 10500 8550
+	8650 10700 8450 10700
 Wire Wire Line
-	13550 9500 13750 9500
+	7250 4450 7250 4100
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 8450 12200 8450
+	7250 4450 7550 4450
+Connection ~ 12800 9500
 Wire Wire Line
-	15350 9100 15550 9100
+	12800 9500 12800 9700
+Connection ~ 12800 10300
 Wire Wire Line
-	15300 6550 15500 6550
-Connection ~ 15500 5600
-Connection ~ 13900 4450
+	12800 10400 12800 10100
+Connection ~ 6650 6050
 Wire Wire Line
-	14600 3500 14600 3300
+	7550 4650 7350 4650
+Connection ~ 6450 2350
 Wire Wire Line
-	12200 6050 11400 6050
-Connection ~ 14600 2150
+	3100 4750 3500 4750
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 6800 1050 6800
+	2400 4550 2400 4750
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 7800 5350 7800
+	3200 9600 4600 9600
 Wire Wire Line
-	7150 8150 7550 8150
+	4600 9600 4600 8450
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 8250 7350 8250
+	4950 8000 5350 8000
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 8250 7350 8050
+	2600 5700 2600 5900
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 8050 7550 8050
-Connection ~ 13900 6550
-Connection ~ 9350 10700
+	2600 6400 2600 6600
 Wire Wire Line
-	9350 10600 9350 10700
+	3450 5600 3450 5800
 Wire Wire Line
-	8450 10500 8450 10700
-Connection ~ 14600 3300
+	3450 6300 3450 6500
 Wire Wire Line
-	11450 9700 11450 9500
-Connection ~ 12450 9500
+	4400 5500 4400 5700
 Wire Wire Line
-	12200 8450 12200 9500
+	4400 6200 4400 6400
 Wire Wire Line
-	12450 9700 12450 9500
+	5350 5400 5350 5600
 Wire Wire Line
-	12800 10300 12450 10300
+	5350 6100 5350 6300
 Wire Wire Line
-	12450 10300 12450 10100
-Connection ~ 2400 4750
+	4600 8450 7550 8450
 Wire Wire Line
-	2600 4750 2000 4750
+	2500 9600 2050 9600
 Wire Wire Line
-	2400 3850 2400 4050
-Connection ~ 5350 8000
+	5300 8900 5300 9100
 Wire Wire Line
-	4900 8300 5350 8300
+	5650 8700 5650 9800
 Wire Wire Line
-	5350 8300 5350 7800
+	11400 5550 12000 5550
+Connection ~ 1550 2550
 Wire Wire Line
-	2500 8100 2500 8500
+	1550 2750 1550 2350
+Connection ~ 3700 2550
 Wire Wire Line
-	2500 7500 2500 7300
+	3700 2750 3700 2350
 Wire Wire Line
-	2500 7300 7550 7300
+	3500 2550 3700 2550
 Wire Wire Line
-	1400 6650 1400 6450
+	4800 1600 4600 1600
+Connection ~ 6650 1300
 Wire Wire Line
-	1050 6800 1050 6600
-Connection ~ 2600 6600
+	6650 1300 6450 1300
+Connection ~ 6450 1550
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 6600 2400 6600
-Connection ~ 3450 6500
+	6850 2150 6850 2350
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 6500 3250 6500
-Connection ~ 4400 6400
+	6850 2350 6450 2350
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 6400 4200 6400
-Connection ~ 5350 6300
+	6450 2450 6450 2150
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 6300 5150 6300
-Connection ~ 2050 10050
+	5600 1950 5600 1750
 Wire Wire Line
-	2050 10050 2800 10050
+	5600 1750 5400 1750
+Connection ~ 11600 6850
 Wire Wire Line
-	2800 10050 2800 9850
+	11600 6850 11600 6950
 Wire Wire Line
-	3400 9600 3400 10050
+	11600 6950 11400 6950
 Wire Wire Line
-	3400 10050 2900 10050
+	1250 7650 1250 7000
 Wire Wire Line
-	2900 10050 2900 9850
+	1250 7000 7550 7000
 Wire Wire Line
-	2050 10250 2050 9600
-Connection ~ 5300 9800
+	1950 7650 1950 7200
 Wire Wire Line
-	5100 9800 5650 9800
+	1950 7200 7550 7200
 Wire Wire Line
-	5300 9600 5300 9800
+	10500 8850 10700 8850
+Connection ~ 14300 9100
 Wire Wire Line
-	11400 4650 11600 4650
+	13900 6750 13900 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	2800 3250 2800 3350
+	13900 7150 13900 7350
 Wire Wire Line
-	1550 3150 1550 3350
+	13900 7350 14250 7350
 Wire Wire Line
-	3700 3150 3700 3350
-Connection ~ 1900 2550
+	14250 7450 14250 7150
+Connection ~ 14250 7350
 Wire Wire Line
-	2100 2550 1550 2550
+	12850 6850 12850 6750
 Wire Wire Line
-	2100 2900 1900 2900
+	12850 6750 12650 6750
 Wire Wire Line
-	1900 2900 1900 2550
-Connection ~ 4600 1700
+	13900 6200 13900 6300
+Connection ~ 14250 4450
 Wire Wire Line
-	4600 1950 4600 1600
+	5650 8700 7550 8700
 Wire Wire Line
-	4800 1700 4600 1700
+	9100 9850 9100 9450
+Connection ~ 6700 10050
 Wire Wire Line
-	5400 1550 7050 1550
-Connection ~ 6850 1550
+	6050 10050 7350 10050
+Connection ~ 6050 9250
 Wire Wire Line
-	6450 1550 6450 1750
+	6050 9450 6050 8800
 Wire Wire Line
-	5400 1650 5800 1650
-Connection ~ 1950 8250
-Connection ~ 1600 8250
+	6250 9250 6050 9250
 Wire Wire Line
-	1950 8250 1250 8250
+	6050 8800 7550 8800
+Connection ~ 11600 5550
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 7100 1600 7100
+	13900 1800 14600 1800
 Wire Wire Line
-	1600 7100 1600 7650
+	14600 1800 14600 1600
+Connection ~ 14600 1000
 Wire Wire Line
-	1250 8250 1250 8050
+	14600 1000 14600 1200
 Wire Wire Line
-	1600 8050 1600 8250
+	15500 1000 15500 900 
+Connection ~ 13900 1000
 Wire Wire Line
-	1950 8050 1950 8450
+	13900 1200 13900 1000
 Wire Wire Line
-	5850 6150 5850 6050
+	10500 6650 11700 6650
 Wire Wire Line
-	5850 6050 6050 6050
+	11700 6650 11700 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	12400 8150 12400 9100
-Connection ~ 11800 10300
+	11700 6550 11500 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	11800 10400 11800 10100
+	11900 7050 11900 6850
 Wire Wire Line
-	11800 10300 11450 10300
+	11250 8050 11250 7950
 Wire Wire Line
-	11450 10300 11450 10100
-Connection ~ 11450 9500
-Connection ~ 11800 9500
-Connection ~ 11600 6050
-Connection ~ 11900 6750
+	11250 8050 10500 8050
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 6750 12250 6750
-Connection ~ 15500 6550
+	10500 6950 10900 6950
 Wire Wire Line
-	15500 6650 15500 6450
+	10500 6550 10900 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 7150 13900 7250
+	11600 6050 11600 6150
 Wire Wire Line
-	14250 5050 14250 5250
-Connection ~ 13900 5600
+	11600 6150 10500 6150
 Wire Wire Line
-	14250 5250 13900 5250
+	10800 6050 10500 6050
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 5350 13900 5050
-Connection ~ 9100 9650
+	10500 5950 10700 5950
+Connection ~ 10700 4850
 Wire Wire Line
-	9100 9650 8900 9650
+	11600 4850 11600 4650
 Wire Wire Line
-	8900 9650 8900 9450
-Connection ~ 6050 10050
+	11600 4850 10500 4850
+Connection ~ 10700 4650
 Wire Wire Line
-	6050 9850 6050 10300
+	10500 4650 10800 4650
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 9850 7350 10050
+	11600 5550 11600 5650
 Wire Wire Line
-	6700 9650 6700 10050
-Connection ~ 7350 9250
+	11600 5650 10500 5650
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 9450 7350 8900
+	10500 5450 10700 5450
+Connection ~ 10700 5150
 Wire Wire Line
-	7150 9250 7350 9250
+	10500 4550 10700 4550
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 8900 7550 8900
-Connection ~ 14250 4100
-Connection ~ 13900 4100
+	10500 5250 10700 5250
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 3900 13900 4200
+	10700 5250 10700 5150
 Wire Wire Line
-	14250 3900 14250 4100
-Connection ~ 14250 3300
+	6150 4900 6150 5000
+Connection ~ 7350 6050
 Wire Wire Line
-	14250 3300 14250 3500
+	6650 6050 6650 5950
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 3300 13900 3500
-Connection ~ 13900 3300
+	6450 6050 7550 6050
+Connection ~ 7350 5800
 Wire Wire Line
-	14600 3900 14600 4100
+	7550 5800 7150 5800
 Wire Wire Line
-	14600 4100 13900 4100
-Connection ~ 14250 2950
-Connection ~ 13900 2950
+	6450 5650 6450 5550
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 2750 13900 3050
+	6450 5550 6650 5550
 Wire Wire Line
-	14250 2750 14250 2950
-Connection ~ 14250 2150
+	5450 3750 7350 3750
 Wire Wire Line
-	14250 2150 14250 2350
+	6350 4100 6350 3750
+Connection ~ 6350 4100
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 2150 13900 2350
-Connection ~ 13900 2150
+	7150 5550 7550 5550
 Wire Wire Line
-	14600 2350 14600 2150
+	7550 5100 7350 5100
 Wire Wire Line
-	14600 2750 14600 2950
+	7350 5100 7350 5000
 Wire Wire Line
-	14600 2950 13900 2950
-Connection ~ 13900 1800
+	7550 4250 7350 4250
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 1900 13900 1600
+	7350 4250 7350 3750
+Connection ~ 6350 3750
 Wire Wire Line
-	14250 1600 14250 1800
-Connection ~ 14250 1000
+	6150 4100 6550 4100
 Wire Wire Line
-	14250 1000 14250 1200
+	7250 4100 7050 4100
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 7250 10700 7250
+	5650 4100 5450 4100
+Connection ~ 7350 5000
 Wire Wire Line
-	11900 6650 11900 6750
+	7550 5700 7350 5700
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 8350 10700 8350
+	7350 5700 7350 5800
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 7950 10700 7950
+	7550 5950 7350 5950
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 7550 10700 7550
-Connection ~ 10700 6950
+	7350 5950 7350 6050
 Wire Wire Line
-	10700 7050 10700 6950
-Connection ~ 10700 6550
+	6150 5000 7550 5000
 Wire Wire Line
-	10700 6450 10700 6550
+	10500 4250 10700 4250
 Wire Wire Line
-	10700 4850 10700 4950
+	10500 4350 10700 4350
 Wire Wire Line
-	10700 4650 10700 4550
+	10500 4950 10700 4950
 Wire Wire Line
-	10800 5550 10500 5550
-Wire Wire Line
-	11800 5150 10500 5150
+	10700 4350 10700 4150
 Connection ~ 10700 4250
 Wire Wire Line
-	10700 4150 10700 4350
+	10500 5150 11800 5150
 Wire Wire Line
-	10700 4950 10500 4950
+	10800 5550 10500 5550
 Wire Wire Line
-	10700 4350 10500 4350
+	10700 4550 10700 4650
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 4250 10700 4250
+	10700 4950 10700 4850
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 5000 6150 5000
+	10700 6450 10700 6550
+Connection ~ 10700 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 6050 7350 5950
+	10700 7050 10700 6950
+Connection ~ 10700 6950
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 5950 7550 5950
+	10500 7550 10700 7550
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 5800 7350 5700
+	10500 7950 10700 7950
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 5700 7550 5700
-Connection ~ 7350 5000
+	10500 8350 10700 8350
 Wire Wire Line
-	5650 4100 5450 4100
+	11900 6650 11900 6750
 Wire Wire Line
-	7050 4100 7250 4100
+	10500 7250 10700 7250
 Wire Wire Line
-	6150 4100 6550 4100
-Connection ~ 6350 3750
+	14250 1000 14250 1200
+Connection ~ 14250 1000
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 4250 7350 3750
+	14250 1600 14250 1800
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 4250 7550 4250
+	13900 1900 13900 1600
+Connection ~ 13900 1800
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 5000 7350 5100
+	13900 2950 14600 2950
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 5100 7550 5100
+	14600 2950 14600 2750
 Wire Wire Line
-	7150 5550 7550 5550
-Connection ~ 6350 4100
+	14600 2350 14600 2150
+Connection ~ 13900 2150
 Wire Wire Line
-	6350 4100 6350 3750
+	13900 2150 13900 2350
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 3750 5450 3750
+	14250 2150 14250 2350
+Connection ~ 14250 2150
 Wire Wire Line
-	6650 5550 6450 5550
+	14250 2750 14250 2950
 Wire Wire Line
-	6450 5550 6450 5650
+	13900 2750 13900 3050
+Connection ~ 13900 2950
+Connection ~ 14250 2950
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 5800 7150 5800
-Connection ~ 7350 5800
+	13900 4100 14600 4100
 Wire Wire Line
-	6450 6050 7550 6050
+	14600 4100 14600 3900
+Connection ~ 13900 3300
 Wire Wire Line
-	6650 6050 6650 5950
-Connection ~ 7350 6050
+	13900 3300 13900 3500
 Wire Wire Line
-	6150 5000 6150 4900
+	14250 3300 14250 3500
+Connection ~ 14250 3300
 Wire Wire Line
-	10700 5150 10700 5250
+	14250 3900 14250 4100
 Wire Wire Line
-	10700 5250 10500 5250
+	13900 3900 13900 4200
+Connection ~ 13900 4100
+Connection ~ 14250 4100
 Wire Wire Line
-	10700 4550 10500 4550
-Connection ~ 10700 5150
+	7550 8900 7350 8900
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 5450 10700 5450
+	7150 9250 7350 9250
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 5650 11600 5650
+	7350 8900 7350 9450
+Connection ~ 7350 9250
 Wire Wire Line
-	11600 5650 11600 5550
+	6700 9650 6700 10050
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 4650 10800 4650
-Connection ~ 10700 4650
+	7350 10050 7350 9850
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 4850 11600 4850
+	6050 9850 6050 10300
+Connection ~ 6050 10050
 Wire Wire Line
-	11600 4850 11600 4650
-Connection ~ 10700 4850
+	8900 9450 8900 9650
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 5950 10700 5950
+	8900 9650 9100 9650
+Connection ~ 9100 9650
 Wire Wire Line
-	10800 6050 10500 6050
+	13900 5350 13900 5050
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 6150 11600 6150
+	13900 5250 14250 5250
+Connection ~ 13900 5600
 Wire Wire Line
-	11600 6150 11600 6050
+	14250 5250 14250 5050
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 6550 10900 6550
+	14300 9700 14300 9800
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 6950 10900 6950
+	15500 6650 15500 6450
+Connection ~ 15500 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 8050 11250 8050
+	10500 6750 12250 6750
+Connection ~ 11900 6750
+Connection ~ 11600 6050
+Connection ~ 11800 9500
+Connection ~ 11450 9500
 Wire Wire Line
-	11250 8050 11250 7950
+	11450 10100 11450 10300
 Wire Wire Line
-	11900 7050 11900 6850
+	11450 10300 11800 10300
 Wire Wire Line
-	11500 6550 11700 6550
+	11800 10400 11800 10100
+Connection ~ 11800 10300
 Wire Wire Line
-	11700 6550 11700 6650
+	12400 8150 12400 9100
 Wire Wire Line
-	11700 6650 10500 6650
+	6050 6050 5850 6050
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 1200 13900 1000
-Connection ~ 13900 1000
+	5850 6050 5850 6150
 Wire Wire Line
-	15500 900  15500 1000
+	1950 8050 1950 8450
 Wire Wire Line
-	14600 1000 14600 1200
-Connection ~ 14600 1000
+	1600 8050 1600 8250
 Wire Wire Line
-	14600 1600 14600 1800
+	1250 8050 1250 8250
 Wire Wire Line
-	14600 1800 13900 1800
-Connection ~ 11600 5550
+	1600 7650 1600 7100
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 8800 6050 8800
+	1600 7100 7550 7100
 Wire Wire Line
-	6250 9250 6050 9250
+	1250 8250 1950 8250
+Connection ~ 1600 8250
+Connection ~ 1950 8250
 Wire Wire Line
-	6050 8800 6050 9450
-Connection ~ 6050 9250
+	5400 1650 5800 1650
 Wire Wire Line
-	7350 10050 6050 10050
-Connection ~ 6700 10050
+	6450 1550 6450 1750
+Connection ~ 6850 1550
 Wire Wire Line
-	9100 9850 9100 9450
+	5400 1550 7050 1550
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 8700 5650 8700
-Connection ~ 14250 4450
+	4800 1700 4600 1700
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 6200 13900 6300
+	4600 1600 4600 1950
+Connection ~ 4600 1700
 Wire Wire Line
-	12650 6750 12850 6750
+	1900 2550 1900 2900
 Wire Wire Line
-	12850 6750 12850 6850
-Connection ~ 14650 9900
+	1900 2900 2100 2900
 Wire Wire Line
-	14650 10000 14650 9700
+	2100 2550 1550 2550
+Connection ~ 1900 2550
 Wire Wire Line
-	14650 9900 14300 9900
+	3700 3150 3700 3350
 Wire Wire Line
-	14300 9900 14300 9700
+	1550 3150 1550 3350
 Wire Wire Line
-	14300 9300 14300 9100
-Connection ~ 14300 9100
+	2800 3250 2800 3350
 Wire Wire Line
-	14650 9100 14650 9300
-Connection ~ 14650 9100
+	11600 4650 11400 4650
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 8850 10700 8850
+	5300 9600 5300 9800
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 7200 1950 7200
+	5650 9800 5100 9800
+Connection ~ 5300 9800
 Wire Wire Line
-	1950 7200 1950 7650
+	2050 9600 2050 10250
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 7000 1250 7000
+	2900 9850 2900 10050
 Wire Wire Line
-	1250 7000 1250 7650
+	2900 10050 3400 10050
 Wire Wire Line
-	11400 6950 11600 6950
+	3400 10050 3400 9600
 Wire Wire Line
-	11600 6950 11600 6850
-Connection ~ 11600 6850
+	2800 9850 2800 10050
 Wire Wire Line
-	5400 1750 5600 1750
+	2800 10050 2050 10050
+Connection ~ 2050 10050
 Wire Wire Line
-	5600 1750 5600 1950
+	7550 6300 5150 6300
+Connection ~ 5350 6300
 Wire Wire Line
-	6450 2450 6450 2150
+	7550 6400 4200 6400
+Connection ~ 4400 6400
 Wire Wire Line
-	6450 2350 6850 2350
+	7550 6500 3250 6500
+Connection ~ 3450 6500
 Wire Wire Line
-	6850 2350 6850 2150
-Connection ~ 6450 1550
+	7550 6600 2400 6600
+Connection ~ 2600 6600
 Wire Wire Line
-	6650 1300 6450 1300
-Connection ~ 6650 1300
+	1050 6600 1050 6800
 Wire Wire Line
-	4600 1600 4800 1600
+	1400 6450 1400 6650
 Wire Wire Line
-	3500 2550 3700 2550
+	7550 7300 2500 7300
 Wire Wire Line
-	3700 2750 3700 2350
-Connection ~ 3700 2550
+	2500 7300 2500 7500
 Wire Wire Line
-	1550 2750 1550 2350
-Connection ~ 1550 2550
+	2500 8100 2500 8500
 Wire Wire Line
-	12000 5550 11400 5550
+	5350 8300 5350 7800
 Wire Wire Line
-	5650 8700 5650 9800
+	5350 8300 4900 8300
+Connection ~ 5350 8000
 Wire Wire Line
-	5300 8900 5300 9100
+	2400 3850 2400 4050
 Wire Wire Line
-	2050 9600 2500 9600
+	2600 4750 2000 4750
+Connection ~ 2400 4750
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 8450 4600 8450
+	12450 10100 12450 10300
 Wire Wire Line
-	5350 6100 5350 6300
+	12450 10300 12800 10300
 Wire Wire Line
-	5350 5400 5350 5600
+	12450 9700 12450 9500
 Wire Wire Line
-	4400 6200 4400 6400
+	12200 9500 12200 8450
+Connection ~ 12450 9500
 Wire Wire Line
-	4400 5500 4400 5700
+	11450 9700 11450 9500
+Connection ~ 14600 3300
 Wire Wire Line
-	3450 6300 3450 6500
+	8450 10700 8450 10500
 Wire Wire Line
-	3450 5600 3450 5800
+	9350 10600 9350 10700
+Connection ~ 9350 10700
+Connection ~ 13900 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	2600 6400 2600 6600
+	7550 8050 7350 8050
 Wire Wire Line
-	2600 5700 2600 5900
+	7350 8050 7350 8250
 Wire Wire Line
-	4950 8000 5350 8000
+	7350 8250 7550 8250
 Wire Wire Line
-	4600 8450 4600 9600
+	7150 8150 7550 8150
 Wire Wire Line
-	4600 9600 3200 9600
+	5350 7800 7550 7800
 Wire Wire Line
-	2400 4550 2400 4750
+	1050 6800 7550 6800
+Connection ~ 14600 2150
 Wire Wire Line
-	3100 4750 3500 4750
-Connection ~ 6450 2350
+	11400 6050 12200 6050
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 4650 7350 4650
-Connection ~ 6650 6050
+	14600 3500 14600 3300
+Connection ~ 13900 4450
+Connection ~ 15500 5600
 Wire Wire Line
-	12800 10400 12800 10100
-Connection ~ 12800 10300
+	15300 6550 15500 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	12800 9500 12800 9700
-Connection ~ 12800 9500
+	15350 9100 15550 9100
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 4450 7250 4450
+	12200 8450 10500 8450
 Wire Wire Line
-	7250 4450 7250 4100
+	13550 9500 13750 9500
 Wire Wire Line
-	8450 10700 8650 10700
+	10500 8550 11800 8550
 Wire Wire Line
-	9150 10700 9750 10700
+	11800 8550 11800 9700
 Wire Wire Line
-	9750 10700 9750 10500
-Connection ~ 3400 9600
-Connection ~ 14250 1800
+	10750 9500 10550 9500
 Wire Wire Line
-	7550 6700 1600 6700
+	10550 9400 10550 9600
+Connection ~ 10550 9500
 Wire Wire Line
-	1600 6700 1600 6450
+	15500 2250 15500 2050
+Connection ~ 15500 2150
 Wire Wire Line
-	1600 6450 1400 6450
-Connection ~ 7350 8150
+	11800 5150 11800 1000
 Wire Wire Line
-	6350 8050 6350 8150
+	14800 2150 12000 2150
 Wire Wire Line
-	6350 8150 6650 8150
+	12000 2150 12000 5550
 Wire Wire Line
-	15500 1000 15300 1000
+	15300 3300 15500 3300
 Wire Wire Line
-	15300 2150 15500 2150
+	14800 3300 12200 3300
 Wire Wire Line
-	15500 5500 15500 5700
+	12200 3300 12200 6050
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 5800 13900 5600
+	14250 4450 14250 4650
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 4650 13900 4450
+	15500 4550 15500 4350
+Connection ~ 15500 4450
 Wire Wire Line
-	15300 5600 15500 5600
+	13050 4450 14800 4450
 Wire Wire Line
-	12400 8150 10500 8150
+	10500 7750 13600 7750
 Wire Wire Line
-	12400 9100 14850 9100
+	13600 7750 13600 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	15550 9000 15550 9200
-Connection ~ 15550 9100
+	13600 6550 14800 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	12200 9500 13050 9500
+	7550 7500 4600 7500
 Wire Wire Line
-	13750 9600 13750 9400
-Connection ~ 13750 9500
+	4600 7800 5000 7800
 Wire Wire Line
-	11800 9500 11250 9500
+	5000 7800 5000 7700
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 6850 12200 6850
+	5000 7700 7550 7700
 Wire Wire Line
-	12200 6850 12200 6950
-Connection ~ 11900 6850
-Connection ~ 15500 3300
+	9900 2000 9700 2000
+Connection ~ 9900 1550
 Wire Wire Line
-	11800 1000 14800 1000
+	8200 2600 8200 2500
 Wire Wire Line
-	15500 3200 15500 3400
+	7900 2100 8400 2100
 Wire Wire Line
-	15300 4450 15500 4450
+	7900 2750 7900 1550
+Connection ~ 15550 7950
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 7350 13050 7350
+	15550 7850 15550 8050
+Connection ~ 14650 7950
 Wire Wire Line
-	13050 7350 13050 4450
+	14650 7950 14650 8150
+Connection ~ 14300 7950
 Wire Wire Line
-	10500 7650 13300 7650
+	14300 8150 14300 7950
 Wire Wire Line
-	13300 7650 13300 5600
+	14300 8550 14300 8750
 Wire Wire Line
-	13300 5600 14800 5600
+	14300 8750 14650 8750
 Wire Wire Line
-	13900 6750 13900 6550
-Connection ~ 13900 5250
+	14650 8850 14650 8550
+Connection ~ 14650 8750
 Wire Wire Line
-	4600 7650 4800 7650
+	15350 7950 15550 7950
 Wire Wire Line
-	4800 7650 4800 7600
+	11250 7950 14850 7950
 Wire Wire Line
-	4800 7600 7550 7600
-Connection ~ 7900 1550
+	9900 2150 9900 1550
+Connection ~ 11000 1550
+Connection ~ 10600 2350
 Wire Wire Line
-	9900 2150 9700 2150
-Connection ~ 9900 2000
+	11000 2150 11000 2350
 Wire Wire Line
-	9050 3050 9050 3250
+	11000 2350 10600 2350
 Wire Wire Line
-	7650 1550 8800 1550
+	10600 2450 10600 2150
 Wire Wire Line
-	8200 2600 8400 2600
-Connection ~ 7900 2100
+	9700 2600 9900 2600
 Wire Wire Line
-	7900 3500 7900 3250
+	9900 2600 9900 3500
 Wire Wire Line
-	11000 1550 9300 1550
+	9900 3500 7900 3500
 Wire Wire Line
-	10600 1550 10600 1750
-Connection ~ 10600 1550
+	11000 1750 11000 1300
 Wire Wire Line
-	6850 1550 6850 1750
+	6650 1550 6650 1150
+Connection ~ 6650 1550
+Wire Wire Line
+	8100 1550 8100 1350
+Connection ~ 8100 1550
+Text Notes 14650 7100 0    50   ~ 0
+ECN0010: Moved from LDO4
+Text Notes 14650 9650 0    50   ~ 0
+ECN0010: Moved from LDO2
+U 1 1 4AF5A587
+P 8100 1350
+F 0 "#FLG?" H 8100 1620 30  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "PWR_FLAG" H 8100 1580 30  0000 C CNN
+	1    8100 1350
+	1    0    0    -1  
 U 1 1 4AB0F102
 P 11000 1300
@@ -714,7 +718,7 @@
 	1    11000 1300
 	1    0    0    -1  
-Text Notes 14150 7600 0    50   ~ 0
+Text Notes 13750 7700 0    50   ~ 0
 New 2v8 power net for GSM - ecn0030
@@ -1468,19 +1472,19 @@
 L BT_3V2 #PWR0165
 U 1 1 4A3B491D
-P 15550 9000
-F 0 "#PWR0165" H 15550 8900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "BT_3V2" H 15550 9150 50  0000 C CNN
-	1    15550 9000
+P 15500 6450
+F 0 "#PWR0165" H 15500 6350 50  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "BT_3V2" H 15500 6600 50  0000 C CNN
+	1    15500 6450
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L CODEC_3V3 #PWR0166
 U 1 1 4A3B4900
-P 15500 6450
-F 0 "#PWR0166" H 15500 6350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "CODEC_3V3" H 15500 6600 50  0000 C CNN
-	1    15500 6450
+P 15550 9000
+F 0 "#PWR0166" H 15550 8900 50  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "CODEC_3V3" H 15550 9150 50  0000 C CNN
+	1    15550 9000
 	1    0    0    -1  
@@ -1728,49 +1732,49 @@
 L GND #PWR0184
 U 1 1 4A3A83A1
-P 14650 10000
-F 0 "#PWR0184" H 14650 10000 30  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 14650 9930 30  0001 C CNN
-	1    14650 10000
+P 14250 7450
+F 0 "#PWR0184" H 14250 7450 30  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 14250 7380 30  0001 C CNN
+	1    14250 7450
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L C C1714
 U 1 1 4A3A839F
-P 14650 9500
-F 0 "C1714" H 14700 9600 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "4u7" H 14700 9400 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "0603" H 14650 9500 60  0001 C CNN
-	1    14650 9500
+P 14250 6950
+F 0 "C1714" H 14300 7050 50  0000 L CNN
+F 1 "4u7" H 14300 6850 50  0000 L CNN
+F 2 "0603" H 14250 6950 60  0001 C CNN
+	1    14250 6950
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L C C1716
 U 1 1 4A3A839E
-P 14300 9500
-F 0 "C1716" H 14350 9600 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "470n" H 14350 9400 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "0402" H 14300 9500 60  0001 C CNN
-	1    14300 9500
+P 13900 6950
+F 0 "C1716" H 13950 7050 50  0000 L CNN
+F 1 "470n" H 13950 6850 50  0000 L CNN
+F 2 "0402" H 13900 6950 60  0001 C CNN
+	1    13900 6950
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L GND #PWR0185
 U 1 1 4A3A81ED
-P 13900 7250
-F 0 "#PWR0185" H 13900 7250 30  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 13900 7180 30  0001 C CNN
-	1    13900 7250
+P 14300 9800
+F 0 "#PWR0185" H 14300 9800 30  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 14300 9730 30  0001 C CNN
+	1    14300 9800
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L C C1728
 U 1 1 4A3A81EB
-P 13900 6950
-F 0 "C1728" H 13950 7050 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "470n" H 13950 6850 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "0402" H 13900 6950 60  0001 C CNN
-	1    13900 6950
+P 14300 9500
+F 0 "C1728" H 14350 9600 50  0000 L CNN
+F 1 "470n" H 14350 9400 50  0000 L CNN
+F 2 "0402" H 14300 9500 60  0001 C CNN
+	1    14300 9500
 	1    0    0    -1  
@@ -2008,21 +2012,21 @@
 L R_US R1715
 U 1 1 4A39FA0B
-P 15100 9100
-F 0 "R1715" H 15100 9200 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "0R" H 15300 9150 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "0402" H 15100 9100 60  0001 C CNN
-	1    15100 9100
+P 15050 6550
+F 0 "R1715" H 15050 6650 50  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "0R" H 15250 6600 50  0000 C CNN
+F 2 "0402" H 15050 6550 60  0001 C CNN
+	1    15050 6550
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L R_US R1717
 U 1 1 4A39FA05
-P 15050 6550
-F 0 "R1717" H 15050 6650 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "0R" H 15050 6450 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "0402" H 15050 6550 60  0001 C CNN
-	1    15050 6550
+P 15100 9100
+F 0 "R1717" H 15100 9200 50  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "0R" H 15100 9000 50  0000 C CNN
+F 2 "0402" H 15100 9100 60  0001 C CNN
+	1    15100 9100
 	1    0    0    -1  

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