like Asterisk System(), runing sysmtem cmd and scripts with calls

Robert Michel openmoko at
Sun Nov 19 15:56:02 CET 2006


Everyone of you, who didn't play/worked with the free PBX asterisk
yet, should IMHO do it to use the time before the first NEO1973 
could be shiped.

Comparing with a PDA, one of the core function, the power
of a Neo1973 are the phone/GSM function and many mobiles of
today haven't support nearing 50% of what phone functions
with a mobile would be possible, would be handy and very usefull:
- answering machine on the phone
- a PBX to manage especialy anonymous promoting calls
- offer you multiple ways to react on a call, buttons like:

1 answer the call
2 answer the call hands-free
3 reject the call
4 answering machine
5 answering machine with anouncement 
  "sorry, I can't speak at this moment,
   I will call you back in 15 minutes"
6 answering machine with anouncement
  "sorry, I can't speak at this moment,
     I will call back at $calender.next_free_moment"
7 answering machine with anouncement
  "sorry, I can't speak at this moment,
     please call me back after 15 minutes"
8 answering machine with anouncement
  "sorry, I can't speak at this moment,
  please call me back at $calender.next_free_mome"

Ok a call (from your asterisk server) with an seperate caller id
can also used without signalisation to start a script/funcition
on your phone:

exten => myasteriskserver2,1,System(GPRS-ON)
exten => myasteriskserver2,2,Hangup() 

This could be used for:
- switching (GPRS|GSM|Bluetooth|Wifi) on
- sending A-GPS localisation data via (WiFi|Bluetooth|GPRS|SMS|Datacall)
  to your server
- call back to your asterisk server

Or imagine you have a low prices to call with your GSM (maybe a
flatrate) - use the NEO1973 to reject a calls (based on a db selection)
(optional without signalisation) and call back the caller

So playing with asterisk gives a good imagination what else,
what more than with a dumpphone of today,
would be possible with a (real) smartphone,
one that gives you the freedom to add the phone features
that you would like to use ;)

I don't know if it makes sence to run asterisk on a Neo1973 in
general, but I can imagine that I'm not the only asterisk user,
who would do so. For a smartphone it could be an "overkill",
but when you know how to use asterisk - it is very smart to
use the same tool to experiment and develope on the mobile *g*
Because of at-comands with the GSM device, it should be easy
to run asterisk between GSM device and softphone - right?
Will asterik support be part of openmoko SDK?

Or will there another way to react on incomming calls for
cmd function or answering machine before the softphone
will singnalise (ring) the call?


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