package uboot-gta 01-1.2.0+svn: failed

Omar BELKHODJA omar.belkhodja at
Tue Aug 7 21:24:02 CEST 2007

Christoph Schweers a écrit :
> Someone put the following hint about the broken uboot into the wiki:
> But I don't know how to change the corresponding bitbake recipe to get revision 'cc3023b9f95d7ac959a764471a65001062aecf41' of uboot :-( Maybe someone of you knows how to do that?
It seems that somebody is working on the resolution of this problem. 
After executing

make update-makefile && make update && make setup

I have seen that some files have been updated :

U    trunk/oe/packages/uboot/
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-dialer2/ChangeLog
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-dialer2/src/moko-dialer.c
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-dialer2/src/moko-notify.c
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-dialer2/src/dialer-main.c
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-dialer2/src/moko-talking.c
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-feedreader2/
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-feedreader2/ChangeLog
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-feedreader2/src/feed-selection-view.c
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-feedreader2/src/feed-selection-view.h
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-feedreader2/src/feed-item-view.c
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-feedreader2/src/application-data.h
A    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-feedreader2/src/feed-marshal.list
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-feedreader2/src/main.c
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-feedreader2/src/
 U   trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/applications/openmoko-feedreader2/src
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/daemons/neod/src/buttonactions.h
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/daemons/neod/src/buttonactions.c
U    trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/daemons/neod/README

Then I had a new problem because the file 
could not be found.

This file is referred to within the file


that has been updated today (use the command "svn info 
openmoko/trunk/oe/packages/uboot/" to check it) by a 
developper (Mickey).
So I think that very soon the file 
will be added. Let's hope this is done by tomorrow !

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