Yet another finger keybord (gui mock-up).

Lars Hallberg lah at
Sun Aug 26 18:04:15 CEST 2007

Josef Wolf skrev:
> [ I warm-up this old thread again... ]
> On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 12:02:31AM +0200, Lars Hallberg wrote:
>> a mock-up on a 90-key by one stroke finger keyboard. Think this might be 
>> an usable and pretty efficient input method.
> This looks very promising.  I like this idea.  The only issue I see is that
> the least used characters (numbers) are the easiest to enter.  IMHO, the
> mostly used characters should be accessible without dragging.  

I think it's a good default as it reuses the users knowledges from t9 
systems. It's important to be easy to pick up. But an alternative layout 
optimised for text input is good, as is a possibility for power users to 
define there own layout, or even special layout for different 

In 2007.2 the scroll wheel is gone, so the key layout should probably be 
5x3 giving the number of functions / key like (the status bar is gone so 
the bottom keys get less functions):

5 7 7 7 5
5 7 7 7 5
3 4 4 4 3

Make a total of 80 keys. Alternatively 6x3:

5 7 7 7 7 5
5 7 7 7 7 5
3 4 4 4 4 3

Make a total of 98 keys... Think You need a real device to find out what 
is best. In the screen shots of 2007.2 the filer toolbar have 6 
buttons... and a little free space. Everyone having phones with 2007.2 
.... is that tool bar comfortably usable with fingers?

If it is 6x3 is probably the best choice.

Lifting the keys up a little from the bottom (maybe put modifier status 
indicators at the bottom) will add the side down alternative to the 
bottom keys changing the number of functions on the bottom row to:

4 6 ... 6 4

5x3 -> 88 keys,  6x3 -> 108 keys.

. . . . . .

The main good with this input method is its intuitive and probably 
reasonable fast. But now I'm thinking more on how to use minimal of 
screen space and work good one handed without visual attention... and 
still be reasonable in speed.

Thinking 5/8 of a quickwriting wheel, so the 'neutral area' is in the 
bottom. Put it on the bottom of the screen.... You get tactile feedback 
from the screen bevel (may cut a small 'mark' in case at the middle). 
One such wheel give 25 'keys'. lay a row of keys at the bottom of the 
screen. press one key and slide to the middle to activate a wheel (the 
covers bevel can have small cuts to guide You to this buttons also).

If the wheel is big enough the tactile feedback given by the screen edge 
should make 'blind' use comfortable.

I'm not sure hove many button to use... but 3 - 5 (75 - 125 'keys')... 
However, some keys would probably be duplicated... one wheel for numbers 
and arithmetic, one for the most common letters... both of these want 
space for sure.... one for the least common letters and other less 
common symbols (can probably do without space) ... Then You probably 
want at least one more wheel.... for cursor control, enter, edit keys etc.

This is far less intuitive and far less suited for the average user and 
a poor default, but the one handed blind use is good for walking in 
traffic or in the woods. And it us only one row of buttons att the 
bottom of the screen, leaving most for the apps. It's a good 'power option'.


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