Near-field comms (was Re: need someone to develop this....)

Ian Stirling OpenMoko at
Sat Dec 1 04:48:15 CET 2007

wolfgang_a_h at wrote:
> I was wondering...
> I did already suggest NFC in a post some days ago ("Hardware addition ideas for >(=) GTA03" on Sun Nov 25 19:36:23 CET 2007), but got absolutely no reaction (I suggested multi-SIM capability too), and now I am wondering what was so bad about *my* suggestion... ;-)
> But I'm glad to see that there are at least two other people who seem to think that this could become an important hardware addition in the future. It's better to be on the forefront of new trends (Nokia already has NFC phones) than just being in the bulk of the followers...
> Security issues regarding NFC will hopefully be resolved.

NFC will be the next big thing.
Will it take off in 2010 or 2012 is probably a more accurate question 

Very little hardware at the moment supports it, and yes, while this is 
of course a chicken and egg situation, nokia/... are probably the 
sensible people to push this at the moment.
It's going to be some time before the nice things that NFC enables 
become possible.

As to 'the hardware is the same as RFID tags' well, no.

There are about 6 different fundamental sorts of RFID tags, and perhaps 
hundreds of 'common' variations. Many of them due to the inherent 
physics and the tags sensitivity require physically large antennas.

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