A new approach to Re: Itch3: Anti-lost/theft protection

Attila Csipa plists at prometheus.org.yu
Wed Feb 28 23:48:28 CET 2007

On Wednesday 28 February 2007 21:44, Steven ** wrote:
> Caveat emptor.  Possession of stolen property is still a crime where I
> live, even if you didn't do the actual stealing.

All I'm saying (IANAL of course) that for many of those items (especially on 
places like ebay) it is very hard for the buyer to establish whether the good 
is actually stolen or not (receipts and boxes can be photoshopped all too 
easy), and he has to rely on a level of reasonable doubt (based on seller 
rating, price, provided images, etc) to determine whether he is getting the 
good from a trustworthy source.

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