Some ideas

Brad Pitcher bradpitcher at
Thu Mar 1 20:46:41 CET 2007

I think a good way to solve this problem is with auto-suggest while you
type.  So, after you type "sil", the application "suggests" the last half of
your name by displaying it in a different color or highlighted.  Then you
just tap the word/name with your finger and it finishes it for you.  This is
how it works on the Nokia 770 and I find it very convenient.

On 3/1/07, Wolfgang Silbermayr <wolfgang at> wrote:
> == Search by surename and forename ==
> I have all people in my telepone book stored with the second name and
> the first name. Because nearly all of my relatives have the same
> surename as I do, I have a fairly long list when I type in "sil" which
> is the first letters of my surname. Then I usually have to either skip
> through this list or write "silbermayr" completely in because on my
> motorola phone I can't just type in a space and afterwards the first
> letter of the forename. I would love the phone book application to
> simply jump to the entry "Silbermayr Wolfgang" as soon as I write "sil
> wo" into the search field.
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