Proposal: Personal Data Encryption (maybe SoC?)

Joe Pfeiffer jjpfeifferjr at
Thu Mar 22 20:28:35 CET 2007

Tim Newsom writes:
>On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 10:17, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
>> Thoughts?
> From what I remember of the discussions so far, that seems to meet the 
>majority of requirements for encrypted file storage and also manages 
>many of the things related to authentication that we have been 
>discussing.  Now, if we can specify the manner in which the password is 
>entered (gesture, pin, etc.) then maybe its just this 'easy' ?  Lol. 
>Easy being relative because its already built.
>IMHO that would work pretty well.  At least for what I am interested 

Good to know I'm not completely out to lunch!  Time to start learning
fuse well enough to work with it...


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