Neo to act as a bluetooth remote control?

Al Johnson openmoko at
Thu Oct 18 10:38:32 CEST 2007

On Wednesday 17 October 2007, Björn Martensen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sorry if this is somewhere in the wiki already, but i don't have an
> internet connection atm as i'm moving and can only send and receive some
> email once a day, so i'd like to ask this: Are there any plans to make
> the Neo a usable bluetooth remote control for a media center pc for
> example? As there aren't any restrictions to hardware buttons, you could
> really create some nice rc, imho.

It was in the wiki last I looked. I expect there'll be more than 1 
implementation unless it gets a plugable backend to connect to hid, bemused 
and whatever other methods are out there.

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