Qtopia coming for Neo1973

Lorn Potter lpotter at trolltech.com
Tue Sep 18 22:48:14 CEST 2007

> I think that the GTK front end for the Neo has a lot of potential that 
> the Qtopia front end may miss, so a strategy that borrows from both 
> systems would be good for us early adopters.
> Er, the dev kit appears to be missing openssl, which could be a problem.
> Also, announcements aside, I don't see a link to the source code on the 
> Qtopia/Neo page, so not all promises have yet been kept.   Trolltech has 
> been really good about releasing source code in the past, so I'm not 
> worried about this, but without source, developing will be more painful.

Try ftp.trolltech.com/qtopia/tech-preview/

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

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