Is GTA2 UMA/GAN capable

Richard Boehme rboehme at
Mon Sep 24 14:54:33 CEST 2007

> > Will the GTA2 be UMA/GAN capable?
> no.
> > If not, does anyone know if FIC has any plans for a UMA/GAN capable
> > OpenMoko phone?
> yes, we would love to have one.  But I don't think there is any way how
> we could do it in the forseeable future.

What would be the constraints on not building a UMA/GAN capable phone?
Would it be that the chipset is different, or licensing issues? My
main concern upon purchase is that the hardware is capable; I would be
willing to wait a while for the software and just use it as an
organizer until capable software is ready.

In short, what would it take to turn 'not in the forseeable future' to



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