"home zone" functionality

Ricky Fitz calypso at satyr.ath.cx
Thu Apr 17 10:26:19 CEST 2008

> And a quite strange feature, frankly. I'm not sure I understand the  
> advantage of having one more number that only works sometimes, while in  
> reality I strive for quite the opposite: having just one number that I can  
> always be reached at, instead of having to tell people my home/office/etc  
> numbers.

The goal is, that if you are inside the "homezone", you can be called on
a land-line, which is much cheaper for the caller. At the same time,
your calls are cheaper, for example you could have a flat fee, which
only works if you are inside the "homezone".

o2 startet with this to replace the need to have a real land-line at home which costs you at least around 20€.

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