AT&T sim card not working, Tmobile does

Paul Buede paul at
Tue Aug 5 03:01:20 CEST 2008

Ok, so I am still searching for the right carrier, but thats another
story.  In the meantime I thought I could add to some discussion here:

With a brand new AT&T sim, I get:
root at om-gta02:~# libgsmd-tool -m shell
libgsm-tool - (C) 2006-2007 by Harald Welte and OpenMoko, Inc.
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

# # List operators
EVENT: Netreg registration denied
cme error: 32
EVENT: Signal Quality: 15

With my brand new Tmobile sim, it works.

The numbers on the AT&T sim are:71234G 3022

This card is mentioned here:

and here:

But there is not an apparent solution.  Anybody able to suggest
anything?  Is there any info I can get off my phone to help people fix
this?  I tried seating the SIM a couple times but no luck for me.

I have determined that AT&T seems to have better coverage around here
(where it matters most to me), slightly, but again this a different
email.  If this card is never going to work, does anyone have an AT&T
card that does work?  Anyone know how I can get a working one from
AT&T?  If its just a matter of time, I can be patient for a little while
and use the "free" phone, I just need to know if I should worry.

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