receiving SMS messages

Thomas B. tommy.b at
Sun Aug 10 05:19:40 CEST 2008

On Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 09:36:08PM +0100, Dan Weatherill wrote:
> I recently received my freerunner, and am enjoying it so far!
> I have mainly been using the qtopia image from, but have 
> been regularly updating my kernel from
> On doing some testing, I find the following: I can receive SMS messages 
> perfectly whilst the phone is on, in qtopia. Not always so well in the GTK 
> stack.
> If the phone is in standby, and I receive a text message, the phone 
> wakes up but does not receive a text message. The person sending the 
> message does, however, receive a delivery report. This occurs in both 
> images as well.
> If I then subsequently receive a message after the others, whilst the 
> phone is out of standby, I receive all the messages together. Hence, no 
> messages are "lost" in the ether, but it seems that messages received 
> whilst the phone is on standby are temporarily mislaid.
> If there is any information I can provide to help you sort this please just 
> let me know. This is one of very few things preventing me using the neo 
> as a day to day phone with qtopia.

I observed this too, and filed a bug:


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