New Qtopia-Images fixes suspend problem nearly complete!

Yaroslav Halchenko at
Mon Aug 11 21:21:59 CEST 2008

>    For reference, the Qtopia 4.32-080808 uses the kernel named
>    uImage-2.6.24+git30+436204281bcd1fe5999ad6589ea7ab1b5360c352-r2-om-gta0
>    2.bin
>    Ok, so I don't know what that really long name means or who wrote it .
>    :-) No one confirmed Yaroslav or corrected him either so this is the
>    kernel.
I can confirm ;-) it is stock OM kernel from some date in end of July I
believe -- whenever I got that qtopia tarball I compared to existing one
on the web -- now 200807 is not available from
thus I can't check which one exactly

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Keep in touch                    // \\     (yoh@|www.)
Yaroslav Halchenko              /(   )\               ICQ#: 60653192
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