Qtopia Wlan gui

julien cubizolles j.cubizolles at free.fr
Sat Aug 16 17:13:23 CEST 2008

Le samedi 16 août 2008 à 16:39 +0200, julien cubizolles a écrit :
> I'm trying to setup a WAP protected wlan using the Qtopia gui but I'd
> rather not type my very-long-passphrase on the keyboard. Is there a way
> to do some copy-pasting to the right file (and which one is it) by ssh ?

I found it : 


You justneed to type you key as :1\PRIV_GENSTR="your_secret_key"
and it works : I'm now connected.

I can give an wlan0.conf example if needed.

Too bad I don't have a minimo or something to try.


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