touch screen driving me nuts!

Lorn Potter lpotter at
Sun Aug 17 07:43:33 CEST 2008

-stacy wrote:
> My wife would argue that it is more of a putt than a drive... however,
> my touchscreen is having some serious issues.
> To demonstrate the problem, I created a 480x640 image with seven
> straight lines running across the screen, I installed mtpaint on my
> freerunner and attempted to trace the (blue) reference lines in red (I
> used a straight edge, so this isn't just my normal inability to draw a
> straight line freehand). I made three passes over each line to show the
> repeatability. The result is here:
> with window decoration etc, the top line is not visible so there are no
> trace lines for it.
> Trying to dial a phone number or use the on screen keyboard is an
> exercise in frustration.
> Anybody have any suggestions for what the problem might be or what else
> I could do to try and debug this?

Have to tried to calibrate the touchscreen? I think its called 
xcalibrate, or you can use ts_calibrate from the commandline without X, 
or Qtopia has a calibrate application.

Try that, and if it still as wonky, I would say the digitizer is broken.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, Trolltech, a Nokia company

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