Finger stylus found...

Flyin_bbb8 flyin.bbb8 at
Mon Aug 18 13:42:20 CEST 2008

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 1:19 PM, arne anka <openmoko at> wrote:
>> well these guys obviously think all their customers are stupid, found
>> this on their main page
> sorry?
>> 1. Increase your productivity by up to 30%!
>> 2. Prolong the life of your touch screen and PDA.
>> 3. Decrease the need to clean your screen.
>> 4. TrueTip styluses reduce costly repairs due to damage done by
>> foreign objects and fingernails.
>> 5. Using TrueTip styli will eliminate scratches, smudges, smears,
>> marks, food prints, and oils, and ink from your PDA or touch screen."
> what part strikes you as "stupid"?

hmm, oils 'n ink from your PDA or touch screens?

>> (number 5 makes sense the most)  <-- do germans get this once arne? :p
> beg your pardon?
it was sarcasm, no offense there, sorry if i couldn't make that more

Lothar it might be useful, can't answer as i also haven't tried such
stylii :), number 1 might be true in the end? but 5 doesn't sound
quite correct :)

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