stupid guy! thinks it's a train wreck!

robert lazarski robertlazarski at
Tue Aug 19 01:08:20 CEST 2008

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 7:22 PM, Steve Mosher <steve at> wrote:
> As for new product in our store. Our distrubtors continue to take
> everything we can build. So, check with them first. Its the same
> product with the same or better pricing.Our goal is not to be in the
> retail side of selling product but to empower our distributors.
> Otherwise I have to spend a large amount of money building up a sales
> and marketing staff. I would rather spend our money on engineering.
> I would rather let those folks who already run distribution centers
> use their expertise. So please check out the distributors. They
> provide the same product at comparable prices.

There's no distributor for Brazil. I became part of a group in the USA
- I have contacts there - but there hasn't been a 900mhz phone sold
via the online store yet. My group was assured you could mix 900mhz /
850mhz phones, bought a 850mhz phone that I can't use, and is waiting
to exchange it. I've been reading this list forever without a phone to
use. I understand your strategy may make general sense, but there be
casualties. Just ranting.

Any rough idea of when 900mhz phones will be available via the online store?
- R

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