Third request: what *is* the warranty on the Freerunner?

Michael Shiloh michael at
Wed Aug 27 07:11:29 CEST 2008

tokenwizard wrote:
> Well, I guess you guys were right about the battery. 0.02V!! What I don't get
> is how the hell the battery could go from almost half a charge to completely
> dead in the instant I plugged in the USB??

Sounds like the built-in under voltage protection circuit. When the 
voltage falls below a certain level it flips a switch to avoid total 
discharge, and as soon as it's charged above some level it flips back on.

> Yorick Moko wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 3:43 AM, tokenwizard <tokenwizard at>
>> wrote:
>>> I have one for you...
>>> I have been "using" my freerunner for about three weeks now. I ordered it
>>> through as soon as it was possible and I got it about three
>>> weeks
>>> later. The OM2007 on it was next to useless so I updated and found a bit
>>> more functionality. Later I installed Qtopia and I really liked that most
>>> of
>>> the functionality was there, but I still wanted to run an OM distro, so I
>>> tried the ASU 2008.8. I really dislike where that one is going as far as
>>> the
>>> illume UI. So I went back to 2008.4 and kept it that way for a bit. TOday
>>> I
>>> plugged my phone into the USB on my PC to charge as I always have (while
>>> the
>>> phone was running) and the screen immediately went black. No, with this
>>> being a development phone, this didn't really phase me at first. This
>>> thing
>>> has seen its fair share of mysterious power issues. But this time was
>>> different. No matter what I do, I cannot get the damn thing to come back
>>> to
>>> life. I know it's not the battery because it was almost half full when I
>>> plugged it in.  But I have tried holding the Power button for 10 seconds,
>>> and the Power/Aux and Aux/Power combos. I've tried these thing both with
>>> and
>>> without the AC adapter attached and after pulling the battery for about a
>>> minute.
>>> It seems as I have a dead phone now. I don't even hear that distinctive
>>> little hiss that you normally hear when you first press the Power button!
>>> Anybody seen this before??
>>> James
>>> steve-2 wrote:
>>>>   I have a tiny tiny head so all the hats fit.
>>>> we are putting together a policy for people who bought from the openmoko
>>>> store. there are several issues. We offer a 14 day DOA Warrenty and a 28
>>>> day warrenty for 10 packs. The issue is what does DOA mean? Dead on
>>>> Arrival.
>>>> If your GSM doesnt work, but getting a download fixes it? is that DOA?
>>>> If your GSM doesnt work but getting a new card fixes it? is that DOA?
>>>> same with GPS, did the software download fix it?
>>>> If you send the phone back and it works  fine, what to do?
>>>> if you send back a phone and it works fine, who pays for shipping?
>>>> Now in the US at retail you can return something if the sky is blue.
>>>> We can't work that way and build a open source phone. well, we can
>>>> but the cost of blue sky returns would have to be added to the phone.
>>>> In the end, as micheal will tell you, I work every case. So, If you have
>>>> a problem, email me or micheal. tell us that you tried the fixes we
>>>> suggested. And we will work from there.
>>>> Michael Shiloh wrote:
>>>>> ian douglas wrote:
>>>>>> Sean/Michael/Community:
>>>>>> It's been asked several times, especially regarding the GPS/SD "fixes"
>>>>>> and people ordering pico-farad capacitors and soldering irons ... I'm
>>>>>> hoping that at some point the "squeaky wheel" cliche will work itself
>>>>>> out and we'll get an answer.
>>>>>> The boxes the Freerunners came in gave no information about warranty,
>>>>>> we
>>>>>> need to hear from Openmoko about what exactly the warranty does cover?
>>>>>> My understanding of the warranty time limit is that single purchases
>>>>>> got
>>>>>> a 14-day "warranty", and group purchases were given a 28-day
>>>>>> "warranty",
>>>>>> but we've never been told what the warranty includes.
>>>>>> I'd really like to outline some of this on the wiki since we're
>>>>>> cleaning
>>>>>> it all up, etc., and since few users will ever search the mailing list
>>>>>> archives anyway.
>>>>>> Will it include any recall/repairs needed to fix the GPS/SD problems
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> a hardware level?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Ian
>>>>> Ian, I agree with you, and I'm sure Steve and Sean (and everyone at
>>>>> Openmoko) do as well.
>>>>> I'm sure that the only reason that Steve has not responded (for he is
>>>>> the one to respond to this) is that he is completely overwhelmed by
>>>>> email, manufacturing and shipping, and releasing stuff this week. He is
>>>>> wearing the hats of Marketing, Operations, Manufacturing, Shipping,
>>>>> Testing, Hardware and Software final test, Field Engineer Manager,
>>>>> Customer Service Manager, Product Oversight (a new category I just
>>>>> created), Trade Show Coordinator, Vertical Market Manager, and many
>>>>> others I can't even remember.
>>>>> I will be talking to him today and I'll see if we can address this
>>>>> issue.
>>>>> Thanks for helping to keep us focused,
>>>>> Michael
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>> I've had this problem before
>> I removed the battery, waited a few minutes, inserted the battery
>> again and connected the FR through USB to my pc. After 10minutes or so
>> it *magically* booted out of its own... I didn't touch it or do
>> something on the pc that might have caused it...
>> When booted it showed the battery still had 80% juice left...
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