Version 2 -- New community distribution hackable1

"Bernd (Jesus McCloud) Prünster" bernd.pruenster at
Wed Dec 17 22:20:58 CET 2008

Neil Jerram schrieb:
> 2008/12/17 Marcus Bauer <marcus.bauer at>:
>> Right now there are a couple of things which are not yet in a package,
>> most notably the X session start. But for a clean future development it
>> is a necessity that everything sits inside a package and then you can
>> update directly from debian.
> Thanks, that will be fantastic.  Debian is already wonderfully
> hackable, but not so good on the use-as-a-phone front, so it sounds
> like Debian+your "hackable" will be just the ticket.
>      Neil

    Current issues

Messages starts but does not send the message -> minor dbus issue
if it is minor, do you guys have any idea how long it will take to 
resolve the issue

and i am confused:
some of the things you mentioned as features are still in the "open 
tasks" section of the wiki.
is the wiki outdated? (i already took a look at the wiki about 10 days ago).

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