Distribution weekly update

John Lee john_lee at openmoko.com
Fri Feb 1 13:06:44 CET 2008


We're going to start a weekly report about what's happening inside the
openmoko distribution.

* cacao + swt make it possible to run things like
  jalimo-swt-example_0.1.0_all.ipk from
  They are both included in OM feed now.

  Check https://wiki.evolvis.org/jalimo/index.php/Packages

* `processing' can be run on neo with cacao + classpath-gtk but there
  are still many problems.

* Thanks to Gernot Hillier.  gpsdrive_2.10pre4 works on neo.

* multitap-pad: replaced the original matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod.
  Some might not like it but it's the first try and we'll keep working
  on it.

* asterisk is included and should be available in a couple days.

* biggest thing: Graeme successfully ported qtopia into OE and Rod has
  added it into MokoMakefile.

Please tell us about the cool things we missed.


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