Wiki - confusion

Pietro "m0nt0" Montorfano monto84 at
Sun Feb 3 10:11:09 CET 2008

JW ha scritto:
> Hi Openmoko community
> The wiki needs to present clear information.
> There is one area where it is pretty bad at the moment and that is in all the
> confusing references to neo's and GTA01s and GTA02s.
> It seems to me there is now a clear structure
> 1) Neo1973 has internal codename (GTA01xxx)
> 2) Freerunner has internal codename (GTA02xxx)

Hey, i think that you are a bit confused, asi've understood the names are:

Neo 1973     -> the phone, gta01 or gta02, is always the neo 1973
gta01xxx      -> first version of the phone for devs
gta02xxx      -> second version of the phone that has to be released 
soon (oh we are waiting for it... :D)
FreeRunner  -> another name to refer to the gta02xxx just to have a 
friendly name instead of GTA02

Is it right?



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