Wiki - confusion

Wolfgang Spraul wolfgang at
Sun Feb 3 10:15:41 CET 2008

JW -

> Should i just go ahead and change the core structure to being  
> correct and the
> rest will follow?    Is there someone overlooking wiki structure?

Yes, I think you can move ahead with those changes.
Let's see what others are saying...

> It seems to me there is now a clear structure
> 1) Neo1973 has internal codename (GTA01xxx)
> 2) Freerunner has internal codename (GTA02xxx)

That is correct.

> Is there someone overlooking wiki structure?

We just hired a full time editor for the wiki. Her name is Brenda and  
she will start working after Chinese New Year (mid February). She has  
many years experience publishing and writing technical books.
I'd say give her a few weeks to familiarize herself with the whole  
thing, then she will slowly start to 'edit' the wiki by cleaning up  
broken links, rearranging/grouping content, maybe doing some  
translations into Chinese, etc.
If you like please get back to me around mid-February so I can  
introduce you to Brenda (she doesn't have an openmoko e-mail account  
We are very determined to get the wiki into better shape.
Brenda will help as an editor.
We also try to improve things on the server. The wiki version we are  
using needs to be updated and improved. Search is abysmal. The theme  
doesn't look good. etc.
But we have great content, and we will push more internal content into  
the wiki as well.

Hope this helps, thanks a lot for your initiative!
Feel free to make the changes you suggested, at least from my  
perspective it sounds good.

On Feb 3, 2008, at 12:31 PM, JW wrote:

> Hi Openmoko community
> The wiki needs to present clear information.
> There is one area where it is pretty bad at the moment and that is  
> in all the
> confusing references to neo's and GTA01s and GTA02s.
> It seems to me there is now a clear structure
> 1) Neo1973 has internal codename (GTA01xxx)
> 2) Freerunner has internal codename (GTA02xxx)
> However wiki pages are mixture of terms that doesn't make sense  
> anymore because
> they have been used interchangeably over the last year.
> I changed a bit of section 1 of the FAQ page and started to look at  
> tidying up
> the main pages at least to make this less confusing and I can do it  
> the only
> problem is that i may break the pages/links of others....   This  
> happens
> especially where the wiki page title needs to be changed.
> For example the Neo1973 page has loads of refs to GTA02 (which need  
> moved to
> the, as yet blank Freerunner page) but it is linked to by 50 other  
> pages many in
> other languages....
> Should i just go ahead and change the core structure to being  
> correct and the
> rest will follow?    Is there someone overlooking wiki structure?
> JW
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