I dont know why I was supprised

Robin Paulson robin.paulson at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 19:32:18 CET 2008

On 07/02/2008, Steven Le Roux <steven at le-roux.info> wrote:
> The new part of this, is the communication around. According to Michael, gta02 case is not > yet published, therefore I guess there is some differences, but the question is : what is the
> usefulness with this publication if there is difference between gta01 case and gta02 case ? I > mean, the wanted case for someone who want to make alternatives cases would be the
> gta02 one.

well, having the gta01 schematics is a start. the gta02 case will be
at least a certain amount similar, and even if that's only 60%, it's
60% of the measuring work we don't have to do. i have no problem
whatsoever with taking these schematics and doing the necessary
measurements to find out what has changed, and then we're set to go

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