Wiki - New Page - OpenMoko Community Applications

JW jameswillmer at
Thu Feb 7 13:59:06 CET 2008

Shawn Rutledge <shawn.t.rutledge at ...> writes:

> That looks maintenance-intensive, and pretty soon would tend to be
> long and unwieldy (too many packages); consequently it will tend not
> be very trustworthy, because who's going to keep it updated?

That is a very fair point.

However this page was intended to be a short advert for the type of thing 
available for _non-techy_ possibly _non-linux_ users to turn them on to the 
possibilities of open source software for the OpenMoko platform.

I suggest we solve this one by 
* listing a max of 8 good applications that would appeal to the ordinary 
smartphone user
* add the link to the projects page (which I meant to add but forgot)

If anyone feels that is counterproductive then feel free to remove and simply 
replace with a link to the projects page.


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