GTA02 Battery Capacity (Was: Re: More about the GTA02)

Michael Shiloh michael at
Sat Feb 9 01:00:05 CET 2008

Marcus Bauer wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-02-08 at 01:04 -0800, Michael Shiloh wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've researched this a little, and this is what I've learned:
>> 1. We are still looking at a number of different batteries, so there is 
>> no "final" capacity or feature set determined yet.
>> 2. The capacity will most likely be around 1200mA.
> Hello Michael,
> I guess many people would like to have a second battery - is there any
> chance that you make them available? Openmoko on the Neo is now good
> enough for daily use, yet it is running out of battery quickly.
> Maybe one of the distributors would be happy to take a batch of them
> into stock?
> Can you check on this for us?

Hi Marcus,

Excellent question. Yes, I'll look into this.


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