GTA02 preorder please?

Michael Shiloh michael at
Tue Jan 22 00:41:58 CET 2008

Tim Murphy wrote:
>     I would like to propose asking the
>     <> to add a preorder form for stable developer
>     hardware platform. Something what they would consider a release
>     candidate. This would allow for developers just like me to finally
>     use their credit cards, and reduce the amount of pooling required. 
> This probably won't happen. Some of the official Openmoko people can 
> chime in here, but I think that their current system/CC provider doesn't 
> allow them to accept orders on products that aren't shipping. 
>  Is it possible, then, to have a preorder list that would guarantee 
> getting the neo in the first shipment, with payments due when shipping 
> commences?

I'm researching this within the company. I don't have an answer yet, but 
I would agree with Tim, that it is unlikely that we will be able to set 
up a pre-order system. It's not just an issue of the CC provider, but 
rather with laws that prevent charging a credit card until the item 
purchased has shipped.

The good news is that we intend to build many more than before, so that 
pre-order won't be necessary.

I'll let you know when I get the facts.


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