Which image

Jay Vaughan jayv at synth.net
Wed Jul 2 12:16:10 CEST 2008

> The base software is just that. Base software. It will function as an
> everyday phone with dialer,
> SMS, and contacts. So, you can take that base and build on it, by  
> yourself
> or with others. Or, come
> August timeframe you can get the Beta release of ASU.
> FSO is a framework or middleware if you like.

The point is - what can we *developers* target for our end users?  
Without some stability on this image issue, 3rd-party developers are  
gonna get screwed.  There may well be a market for new apps on  
OpenMoko; but not if there is no way we developers can reliably target  
bundles for the phone.

Jay Vaughan

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