freerunner shipment confirmation?

Stroller linux.luser at
Sat Jul 5 15:06:35 CEST 2008

On 4 Jul 2008, at 23:19, Jayesh Salvi wrote:
> ... I believe the 3rd step was my credit card specific which did  
> some kind of verification for my Chase Visa credit card.

This is quite common - I've known UK Visa cards to do the same thing.  
I never quite grok the security logic of taking you to a Visa site  
and getting you to enter your date of birth, mothers' maiden name &c  
*during* a transaction (which they always do the first time you use a  
card). If the card-provider wishes to something unique during credit- 
card transactions then the authentication should be set up in ADVANCE.

> At the end of 3rd step I got some error and couldn't proceed or go  
> back from there. I however received an email confirmation for that  
> 3rd step from Visa.
> What concerns me is, I did not get any confirmation email that  
> OpenMoko has received my order successfully. ... But should I be  
> getting any confirmation/receipt of transaction from OpenMoko or  
> from the third party site that processed my order?

Was it really necessary to post this question to the list? Couldn't  
you have just emailed someone at instead?

I appreciate that Openmoko has these great community lists to make  
use of, but this seems to me to be a standard ordering enquiry. In  
the case of a credit card transaction query when ordering from any  
other online shop, you'd just email them direct.


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