freerunner unable to work with 3G SIMCards?

Kevin Zuber Kevin at
Mon Jul 7 14:45:35 CEST 2008

Am Montag, den 07.07.2008, 14:25 +0200 schrieb Joachim Steiger:
> thanks for testing that, even if it didnt help.
> after reading shawn lin's testreport i believe we really have a problem
> with the 1.8V sim cards then.
> too bad the one i tested has no voltage printed on (some sims have, this
> sadly doesnt). will try to find out next time i get near that sim.
> regards

But, regarding to shwan lin's report, you can see that the sim isn't
working correct because of the wrong voltage with the command "AT
+CFUN=1" with an responding ERROR. If there's an "OK" respond, it will
work. As in my last mails reported, there is an OK as a response of "AT
+CFUN". So in my judgement the voltage isn't the problem. Or did I
understood something totally wrong? Maybe this sorts of sim cards have
more differences than only the voltage?
Is there a way to find out the voltage with a multimeter or something
On my card isn't printed something, too.

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