
Tobias Diedrich ranma+openmoko at
Mon Jul 7 20:26:45 CEST 2008

Andreas Kemnade wrote:

> I have tried to do get some values from the accelerometers.
> I get from /dev/input/event3 these values:
> 000b070: 5de6 7148 4108 0200 0200 0000 ee08 0000  ].qHA...........
> 000b080: 5de6 7148 7b08 0200 0200 0100 1200 0000  ].qH{...........
> 000b090: 5de6 7148 9608 0200 0200 0200 2a03 0000  ].qH........*...
> As far as I understnd thee first line is for the x axis,
> the second for the y-axis, the thirs for the z-axis.
> The value for the x axis does not change.
> I get no data for /dev/input/event2.

>From a cursory look, "hexdump /dev/input/event2" and
"hexdump /dev/input/event3" both show accelerometer data on my phone.


Tobias						PGP:

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