Different hardware in the future?

Ole Kliemann ole-om-community-2008 at mail.plastictree.net
Wed Jul 9 00:08:12 CEST 2008

On Mon, Jul 07, 2008 at 10:44:16PM +0200, Jay Vaughan wrote:
> > Or will there be another hardware iteration then, eventually making it
> > necessary to change the hardware?
> .. the interest in the older platforms and the newer platforms is only  
> going to pale as newer platforms are introduced, and in fact this is  
> needed, because the momentum towards a few hundred thousand to a  
> million users requires frequent hardware revisions. we should count on  
> it, as developers, in fact.

That is a good point. My question was more about whether the intention
of the Freerunner hardware was towards end-users. As I now understand,
it is.

About the software... we'll see. Today I flashed the daily of the GTK
version. I'm quite optimistic now. :) 
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