In the press

Jay Vaughan jayv at
Tue Jul 15 12:10:45 CEST 2008

>> I have the resources to set up such a site, but I definitely do not  
>> want
> to do anything counter-productive. I would really like to see OM do  
> what
> they can as I prefer a "one-stop solution" as opposed to having to  
> visit
> numerous sites to find solutions.

I think the main goal would be to have a single site we could all  
check that has the latest and greatest news condensed for those of us  
who are not going to be able to wade through 100 mail messages a day  
to find stuff out.  Also, we need a place to announce new applications  
to the world, too.  I'm really hoping such a site would be useful for  
people who want to announce their new apps development.

> As an example, I have a Nokia N770, and I found the site  
> rather
> well organized for finding solutions, as well as third-party apps. I'm
> only mentioning it as a possible guide.

Yeah, so lets maybe consider setting this up then in the near future.   
I'll be able to do more on this when I get my Freerunner and catch up  
with the rest of you guys on where things stand ..

Jay Vaughan

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