AW: RE: unable to start up freerunner after batterie was full down

Michael Shiloh michael at
Wed Jul 16 21:43:30 CEST 2008

Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> Am Mi  16. Juli 2008 schrieb Michael Shiloh:
>> Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
>>> Jumpstart the battery is very unlikely to help you out.
>> Joerg, can you explain this further?
>> I've actually had excellent luck jump-starting the battery. I set my 
>> adjustable power supply at about 4.5V and I connect it directly to the 
>> battery terminals for just a second, then measure the voltage on the 
>> battery. If the battery voltage is still zero, I repeat. Usually after a 
>> few "shocks" the battery comes out of its internal under-voltage protection.
>> I understand that GTA01 batteries have no hysteresis and need just one 
>> "shock" (in fact Werner said "one electron" I think) to come out of 
>> under-voltage protection. I understand that GTA02 batteries have 
>> hysteresis and require more coulombs injected before they will recover.
> I'm just suspicious a shock-reanimated battery holds enough power (=voltage) 
> to bring us over the boot gap, and won't activate protection again just in 
> no-time when we try to pull energy. That's all. Of course you can shockstart 
> battery out of protect-mode, no doubt. But did you get a boot with such a 
> bat?

I thought so, yes, but I'll check again to verify.


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