Freerunner (850) available

openmoko at openmoko at
Sun Jul 20 14:15:36 CEST 2008

I happily ponied up the $400 each for the 1973 as well as the 
Freerunner, despite the fact that the 1973 is disappointing enough in 
that power issues make it useless as a day-to-day device.  The fact that 
there are at least one confirmed (GPS vs SD) hardware bug, with 
suspected more (sound echo/buzzing possibly being a problem with the 
case) gives me very good cause to worry that I've purchased another 

I've been attempting for the latter half of the week to contact to arrange for a return of the reportedly defective 
Freerunner that arrived Monday.  So far I've had no response, but will 
keep trying.  In the meantime, if someone else out there would like to 
acquire the sold-out device, please let me know off-list.  (As an added 
bonus, I can throw in an AT&T prepaid sim with quite a bit of time left 
on it.)

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