Import contacts qtopia

Cédric Berger cedric.berger74 at
Mon Jul 21 14:12:35 CEST 2008

What about Qtopia Desktop (application for the PC) ?
Would it fit to manage synchronisation ?

Since download from qtopia website ( ) has
been disabled (they told me this was not intended for this application
-not GPL- and it would be put back soon), I could only get an old (?)
version, and anyway could not have it connect to qtopia
synchronisation on my freerunner...

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:49, Florian Hackenberger
<f.hackenberger at> wrote:
> Importing the contacts via bluetooth works on the stock qtopia images
> BTW. I recon it should be possible to get it to work on ASU as well. I
> simply did a pairing of the FR with my old phone and sent all contacts
> via bluetooth. The FR popped up a dialogue asking to confirm the import
> and voilá, everything was there.
> Cheers.
>        Florian

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