headset with qtopia

Lorn Potter lpotter at trolltech.com
Mon Jul 28 03:58:38 CEST 2008

thewtex wrote:
> Lorn Potter <lpotter at ...> writes:
>>> Now question would be, how to make qtopia to recognize the headset has
>>> been plugged in and change mixer settings accordingly. The .state files
>>> in /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios are in place but don't seem to be used.
>> Ok, I fixed headphone insertions today, and will make an image update 
>> soon at qtopia.net
> Thanks much for taking a look at this, Lorn.
> I have flashed the new kernel/rootfs from qtopia
> qtopia-4.3.2-gta02-flash-07221045.tgz, but I am still having difficulties.  
> On initiation of a call, state switches to gsmhandset.state, regardless of
> whether the headset is plugged in before or during the call.  
> If I manually apply alsactl -f gsmheadset.state, I get working sound.

hmmm, ok. I will have to look into this. :)

> In the options popup tab during the call, only Handset and Speakerphone are
> given, with Handset highlighted.
> When I start a call with the headset, Headphones is in the Options menu, but as
> soon as I plug the headset in, it disappears.

yes, something is hooked up backwards.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, Trolltech, a Nokia company

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