ASU updated - qpe not working?

Torfinn Ingolfsen tingox at
Tue Jul 29 23:49:05 CEST 2008


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 6:27 PM, Benedikt Schindler
<BeniSchindler at> wrote:
> "/usr/bin/app-restarter" is a programm that looks after the qpe process one line under it.
> if this process dies out of reason. (try "killall qpe") the app-restarter shows you in the x-screen
> the message you see in the "ps -ax" comand. and asks you if you want to restart it.

Aha. So app-restarter is a watchdog program for qpe.

> so the message you see in the "ps -ax" is not an error.

I understand now.
Thanks for explaining it!

> it is the parameter the programm app-restarter was given by the start. it's a litle bit confusing.
> i also needed my time to work this out. it would be less confusing if the programm would get the message out
> of a file and not from the parameter.  But it's ok if you know it.

Yes, the way it is now can confuse some people.

Perhaps we should document this on the wiki.
I don't know where I should put it.

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